Drunken nights(smut)

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Abby had been working hard all day; there was a stomach virus going around the camp and it seemed as though every time she got through treating one patient, a new one arrived. It was now well past midnight- the sun would be rising soon- and she had finally gotten home and laid in her bed. It took her a while to get comfortable, but as soon as she did, of course, there was a loud knock at her door.
"Who the hell would come here at this hour?" She said under her breath as she walked to the door.
"This better be important.." She muttered as she opened the door to an unexpected surprise.
"Marcus? What are you doing-"
"You look cute in your pajamas, Chancellor Griffin"
He was smirking at her with glazed over eyes and a look of adoration. This was probably on the top of Abby's list of strange things that have happened on the ground. They may have encountered two-headed deer, tribes, and psychotic people who wanted their bone marrow to live, but this was even more unexpected, and even more difficult to deal with.
Abby and Marcus had quite the history of bickering throughout the camp, arguing about even the smallest topics such as how to properly hold a pen. However, neither could deny the tension that lingered in between them as they seemed to move closer to each other as they yelled. They couldn't deny the subtle touches as they brushed past each other in camp, or the stolen glances at each other. So when Abby saw a quite clearly drunken Marcus in front of her, she wasn't sure how to deal with it, without revealing hidden feelings on accident or stepping over boundaries that shouldn't be crossed.
"Marcus, that's inappropriate. Why are you here? Come inside and sit down before you fall over your own two feet."
Abby had made sure Marcus stayed upright by wrapping his arm around her waist, and her arm around him as well. As they slowly made their way to her desk chair located on the other side of the room, Marcus's hand seemed to constantly drop down to Abby's ass, forcing her to continue to scold him and move it back up to her hip. Even though her words said otherwise, Abby couldn't help but feel a flutter in her stomach whenever his hand traveled down her side moments later.
They eventually made it to the chair, and Abby began to help Marcus sit down.
"Alright Marcus, you can let go of me n-" she had started to say as Marcus pulled her onto his lap, where she was now straddling his thighs.
"I think this is much more comfy for both of us, Chancellor" Marcus slurred while winking at Abby.
Abby felt her face heat up and put her hands on his strong chest as she began to question why he was here again.
"You never answered my question, Marcus. It's almost daylight now, you're drunk, and you come to see me?" Her voice wavered slightly as she could feel him rubbing his hands along her sides
"I had a long day, and with our recent success of establishing a trade route with the grounders, I decided to celebrate. But then as I laid in my bed, I realized something... Never mind." He stopped as quickly as he began as he somehow managed to process he was about to share private information, which seemed to sober him up.
"What? You can't just do that."
"Do what?"
"Stop in the middle of a sentence and say never mind"
"It's, uhm, embarrassing, and you're the chancellor, and you should be sleeping, but I disturbed you, so I should uhm go now" he stuttered as he moved his hands to her hips to move her off of him, but Abby was quicker. She quickly grabbed his hands and raised them above his head, resting them against the back of the chair. Her face was mere inches away now as she started her next sentence in a hushed tone:
"If you're worried about crossing personal boundaries, you did that as soon as you came to my room tonight. Tell me" she struggled to not look at his lips as she licked her own.
"I... Only have one pillow now.."
"So?" She started in a harsh tone, " you came here in the middle of the damn night to complain about having one pillow? God, Marcus, I should've known it would b-"
"I can't sleep without holding onto something. My mo- Vera, had always given me an extra pillow to hold onto because I.. Have nightmares without it. And now I don't have one and I know I'll have nightmares if I don't have someone- uh something- to hold onto" he couldn't even meet her stare as he finished his sentence with a shaky breath.
"Oh, Marcus... But why come here?" Abby questioned, but then looked at the position they were in and felt her face heating.
Abby was straddling Marcus's thighs. His hands were slowly tracing patterns over her lower back, which sent a shiver through her body. Her hands were around his neck, her fingers softly caressing the hair at the nape of his neck. They were staring intently at each other, both afraid to say something. Their lips were centimeters apart now, all one of them had to do was move in a hair and their lips would be touching. Then Marcus said something that surprised himself.
"I've always imagined it was you I was holding at night, Abby"
Abby gasped, her face flushing as she looked at his luscious lips, and then she surprised them both.
His lips felt amazing on hers. The kiss was soft, gentle at first, but as soon as Marcus's hands began drifting down to Abby's ass, it quickly became heated.
Abby moaned into Marcus's mouth as he grabbed her ass, and she soon found herself pulling at the bottom of his shirt. Marcus got the idea and swiftly removed it and then began to kiss down her neck, licking and sucking on his way down to the tops of Abby's breasts that were showing from the low cut tank top. Abby began to pant and move her hips against Marcus's growing arousal.
"Strip. Now." Marcus growled as he tore off Abby's top. Abby stood up and began to strip in front of Marcus, taking her time as she could see how much she was affecting him. As soon as her bra and panties were off, Marcus roughly picked her up and swiped her desk clean before he slammed her down on it and began kissing her again.
"Marcus, I, too much clothes" Abby panted through rapid breaths as she began to unzip his pants. Marcus stepped back and removed his pants and boxers, leaving Abby wide eyed.
Marcus smirked as he worked his way down her body, savoring the taste of her skin. He reached her breasts and claimed one with his mouth and began massaging the other with his hand. Abby groaned and tried to buck her hips to feel his erection, but he quickly restrained her from moving with his free hand.
"I'm taking my time with you, dear" Abby gasped as he plunged a finger into her already soaking core.
"I'm so wet for you, Marcus, please" Abby moaned as she once again tried to move her hips to gain more pleasure. Marcus simply smirked and placed another finger inside of her as he kissed down her stomach and then the inside of her thighs. Abby was a hot mess, and she couldn't imagine being in more pleasure than she already was until she felt his hot tongue against her folds.
"Mmm, you taste just as I imagined" Marcus groaned into her folds as Abby was beginning to struggle to hold back her screams. Marcus moved one hand up her body, placing it over her mouth to muffle the noise as he sucked her clit, bringing her to the edge.
"Oh Marcus, oh god, yes right there, I'm close, oh!" Abby's thighs clenched around Marcus's head as he lapped up her juices, easing her down from her orgasm. Marcus moved back up her body and kissed her, making Abby moan as she tasted herself on his lips.
"Please Marcus" she begged as she wrapped her fingers around his erection.
"Oh Abby.." Marcus was struggling to find words as Abby began to stroke him while kissing his chest. Marcus closed his eyes in pleasure and then moaned as he felt Abby move him inside of her.
"Abby.." They both moaned from the overwhelming feeling of pleasure as Marcus sunk inside of her. He began to move slowly, which was torturing Abby as she was in need of a release.
"Faster, please" Abby groaned and Marcus quickly complied. They were overcome by pleasure, only hearing each other moaning and the smacking of skin on skin.
"Abby- I'm close, god you feel so good"
"Oh, right there Marcus, harder" Abby panted as she felt her walls begin to tighten as she was almost there. Marcus continued to thrust hard and deep inside of Abby, holding back so Abby could come first
"Come for me, Abby, I'm right behind you" all it took was hearing Marcus's deep voice and Abby was over the edge. Marcus quickly moved his mouth over her's to quiet her screams as he released his load deep inside of her. They stayed like this for a moment, too overwhelmed with pleasure to move, before Marcus scooped Abby into his arms and moved them to her bed.
"That was..." Marcus started
"Why didn't we do that sooner?" Abby said and they both laughed.
"We'll make up for lost time, don't worry" Marcus smirked as he pulled Abby close to him.
"I'm sorry you only have one pillow, Marcus" Abby said softly.
"This is much better" Marcus said as he kissed her temple. He snuggled his face into the crook of her neck before they quickly fell asleep.
When Marcus woke up the next morning, he was nightmare free.

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