Don't Get Sappy.

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Rainbow was at her house asleep. Soarin was asleep on the floor, Rainbow's mom knew she was going down to sleep with him, so she grounded Rainbow from her phone. If her mom found out she did it again, she would not let Soarin stay. Rainbow was sound asleep in her unusually cold bed.

Rainbow ran from the figure chasing her, she dodged trees and branches, but the figure seemed to get closer. Every time she looked behind herself she saw something familiar. Light skin, like hers. Piercing blue eyes. Swooped back hair the color of fire. It was him. She was running from her father. She knew he would catch up, she was going to relive that terrible moment.

Soarin heard small cries, he thought they we're from outside, but then he heard sniffles and louder whines. Then Rainbow burst out in tears, she was crying in her sleep. Soarin jumped up on the bed and she woke up. Rainbow hugged him and cried some more. "He--he-we--no!" She cried out. Her voice was muffled by Soarin's shoulder. Soarin pulled Rainbow really close, he wanted her to feel safe. Rainbow cried in his arm for a long time, but he didn't mind. Soarin gently whiped the warm tears coming down her face. "Was it a nightmare Dashie?" Soarin asked. Rainbow didn't answer. "If you tell me it won't come true." Soarin said. Rainbow gripped Soarin hard. "No--n-no! Not again!" Please!" She shouted out. Soarin winced. "What was it?" Soarin asked gently. "My father-- he raped me. It was a memory, a very scary memory." She stated. This time Soarin squeezed Rainbow tighter in the hug. "Don't get sappy, it already happened." She said, even doubting this herself. Soarin kissed Rainbow's head. "I just- its hard to believe someone would do that to you. I won't ever let that happen to you again." Soarin said determined. Rainbow hugged Soarin. "I know Soar, and I-I love you." Rainbow said. Soarin smiled at her. They both layed back down. Soarin on the floor, Rainbow on the bed. "Soarin I-I uh- come sleep with me, I don't care if I get a worse punishment." Rainbow said. Soarin blinked a couple of times, then he crawled next to her, wrapping one of his arms around her. Rainbow nuzzled into him. "For the record Dashie, I love you too." Soarin stated. Rainbow smiled, her tear stained face no longer looking sad.
Soarin was on his phone trying to call Flash, it has been a whole month since he got shot, all that time he was bored, well, aside from his fun moments with Rainbow. Flash finally picked up. "Hey Soar, I got some news." Flash said. "What, you, I was trying to call you!" Soarin said. "Fine finish and tell me." Soarin demanded. "So, I think I got Twilight pregnant." Flash said over the phone. Soarins jaw was hanging open. "So, did you run out of condoms or....?" Soarin asked rudely. "Dude, I have no clue, I think I forgot." Flash said. Soarin face palmed. "Flash, now you have to take care of the child while Twilight goes to college." Soarin said truthfully. Soarin heard his doorbell ring. He hung up and went to get the door. Rainbow Dash stood there. "Hi Soarin, did you hear the news?!" Rainbow asked. Soarin nodded still shocked. "I can't wait to play with the kid!" Soarin raised an eye brow. "Dude, I'm not a fucking child molester, chill." Rainbow said dryly. Soarin laughed. "You know, having a kid wouldn't be that bad." Soarin said. Rainbow had a funny expression. "What, I'm serious." Soarin said. Rainbow blushed and smiled. "Maybe it wouldn't be that bad to have a kid, y'know?" Soarin said. Rainbow hugged Soarin. "I'm not ready yet Soarin, but I'd love to have a family, we still have a couple years, besides, let's be free while we can.

"Holy fuck!" Rainbow shouted. "Its going to be okay." Soarin consoled. "Skies, you did this to me!! Arghh, bitch nuts!!!!" Rainbow cursed out as another spasm hit her body. This was a bad idea. "The first one is a boy!" The nurse said. "First!?" Rainbow said dryly.
Rainbow watched from the window as Chase got on the school bus with his sisters. Rainbow's mom recently passed away, but that was okay, Rainbow still had her kids. That was good, Soarin worked in the military, Rainbow hadn't seen him in three years. Rainbow was going to go to a concert sung by kids today, it was for Veteran's Day. They went on, and the kids sang, they called up on veterans to stand. The soldiers stood proud, but not one was Soarin. Rainbow cried as she realized it might be another year. The kids sang I'm Proud To Be An American. (A/n sorry if you aren't American, you might not understand this, I don't like anything that is racist, I'm doing it for the plot)

I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free
I won't forget the men who died
To give that right to me...
So I'll gladly stand up
Next to you...
Someone stood up next to Rainbow, he wore a military uniform, and he had a mustache. It was a mustache you could peel off, so that's what he did. Rainbow cried really hard as she relized who it was. Soarin opened his arms and brought her in a huge hug.
"I love you Rainbow Dash, I missed you so much!" He said. Rainbow continued to cry. Soarin pulled away. "Don't be sappy." Soarin said as he wiped away some tears. "By the way your scar is still perfect." Soarin stated. Rainbow smiled and kissed him passionately. Everyone clapped, some people cried, and Rainbow's children went to get a hug too. This day was happy. "Now back to Soarin's back talk!" Rainbow said jokingly. Soarin stared at her. "Mrs. I don't back talk at all!" He shouted back before placing a kiss on her for head.

The End...

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