secrets // band au

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     "Go to sleep already, myshka."
     Abel jumped as a gust of breath blew over the back of his neck. Turning his head, he could see the strands of Cain's dark hair as the boy leaned over his shoulder, peering at the tablet screen. The blonde crinkled his nose as droplets of water fell from the inky locks, splashing over his nose, and he shoved Cain away with a gentle push to the chest.
     "I'm trying to stream here. Stop interrupting."
     "Hell," the taller groaned, stretching his arms above his head with no regard for the towel hanging low on his hips. "Don't you think they get tired of us? We just got off stage." Abel only stuck his tongue out.
     "You, maybe, but they don't get tired of me."
     Cain had been prowling off towards his respective bunk on the tour bus, but the taunting stopped him in his tracks. Slowly, he turned his head, looking over Abel for a moment. The bassist stared back with patient anticipation.
     Sure enough, Cain came stalking back, but Abel was caught entirely off guard by the strong arms that wrapped around his waist, making him yelp. He felt his face flushing as Cain stared dead into the camera, nestling his face into Abel's neck.
     "Well, if you want an audience that bad-"
     "Funny," Abel scoffed as the chat exploded with fan feedback he wouldn't let himself read. "Time to shut this down for the night. Goodnight, everybody."
     His fingers shook as he closed the app and tossed the tablet away from himself, stubbornly crossing his arms. Cain's breathy chuckle sounded in his ear, only serving to deepen his frown.
     "Cain," he hissed, rather forceful for his typically small voice, but the drummer only laughed again and nipped at the shell of his ear.
     "Relax, princess. Nobody's gonna take it that seriously."
     "If they figure us out..." Abel began, gnawing at his lip. The nervousness earned him, as usual, a sigh from Cain. The larger climbed into the small space of Abel's bed, tugging the boy against himself and tracing his lips along his pale neck, fingers dancing on his spine.
     "You worry too much. We have to keep it low profile, sure," he admitted, pecking at Abel's smooth jaw, "but that doesn't mean you always have to ice me out."
     "'Low profile' doesn't include kissing on me when I'm on camera, Cain."
     Cain hushed him softly as he hooked his thumb under the boy's jaw, pulling it up to steal a soft kiss from his lips, tugging at his lip for a moment with those sharp teeth.
     "Relax. It'll be fine."
     Reluctantly, Abel let himself settle against the other's chest, nuzzling into him. It was hard, ignoring the heady, familiar scent of Cain anytime the boy lingered at his side, fighting the temptation to grab his hand when the crowds became too crowding or resisting the urge to steal a kiss from his lips when he laughed too loud at his own dumb jokes. Cain loved to push the boundaries, all wandering hands and inconspicuous glances, but Abel always had to do damage control. He'd fought long and hard for an agreement with the manager that would allow them to be together without jeopardizing the success of the band.
     Regardless of how much he hated it, he would do what it took to keep the both of them on stage together, even if it meant locking his heart away in an iron cage every now and then.

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