The beginning of the end

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Skylar's POV

UGH!! I say as I get out of bed. I stumble to the bathroom to get ready I pick out a black crop top and some black high wasted shorts I jump in the shower do my stuff

* 20 minutes later*
I get out of the shows dry off and put on my clothes and do my hair. I put a little bit on makeup that include cover up and some eyeliner and some mascara. After that I run down stairs and put on my socks and my black vans on I grab my backpack. I check in the mirror and realized I forgot my phone I run up stairs and grab my iPhone and charger and head phone might as well since I am up here. I check my phone as usual I have a text from Steven its said (st for Steven and s for Skylar)

St- good morning beautiful 😘

S- good morning handsome 💙

St- I'll be there in ten to pick you up love you😘💙

S- K love you too 😘

"SKYLAR!!!" my brother yells I jog down stairs


"Mom wants you" he said

"And you couldn't come upstairs and tell me that you almost gave me a heart attack"

"I should of tried a little bit harder cause maybe it will work next time" he said
I smack him up side the head and walk over to my mom oh BTW my mom is a model
"What's up mom" she look so pretty she is wear a tight black dress and red lipstick
"Your boyfriend is here" she saids
Ooh OK and mom you are looking on point" I say

"Thanks darling so are you" she said
I walk to the door
"Hi baby"
"Hi babe" Stevens saids
He grabs my backpack and my hand walks me to the car and opens the door for me I get in and he shut the door the car ride was pretty quite cuz it is a Monday and we are both tried we walk in and go to our friends we all talk for a little bit then I say imma go put my backpack and books a away then all of a studden I bump into someone.

Kyle's POV

I wake up to my alarm annoyed that I have to start this new school my mom said it might be better but I doubt it I walk to my closet and throw on a All Time Low shirt and my choker and a bunch of braclets and black skinny jean with holes in the knees I grab my iPhone iPod and charger and head phone and jog down stairs I grabbed my backpack and a banana and said bye to my mom
"Kyle try to enjoy the day make new friends put your self out there" she said
"OK whatever you say mom" I say walking out the door I get in my new black car I got for my birthday a couples days ago I drive to school I walk to the administration's office and got my schedule I was looking for my locker when all a sudden I catch a really beautiful girl on my arms she look shocked to see me and I a smiled and said "Hi" that pushed her out of her trans then she stood back up and said "h-hi you kyle David hall"
"You know who I am"
"Yes of course I love your videos"
"Cool" I say then I ask can u you show me where my locker is she looked at the number she smiled the looked up
"Your locker is right next to mine I'll show you and we have first through fourth together so I can show you around"
"Cool" was all I could seem to say

I hope you guys liked it vote and comment what you think is gonna happen love ya and peace out

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