4• His Butler, Knowingly

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Ciel's Point Of View

After Sebastian readied me for the long, agonizing day, I walked into my personal study. I analyzef the room and took in the clean presence. Call it weird, but Sebastian cleans a certain way. Mey-Rin could put a book on a shelf, but never do as good a job as Sebastian.

I could just tell when he cleaned my room. After a good ten seconds of breathing in office air, I froze dead in my tracks. My eyes drift over to the clear desk just a few feet beyond me.

That desk wasn't clear last night.

That desk wasn't clear last night.

To have shuffled through all of those papers to organize them... You would have to pay attention... The letter was at the top.
Damn it...
How could I be so reckless?!

Sebastian walked in and I whirled around on my heels. He smiled softly at my position and brought me my morning tea after I sat down.

Sebastian looked at me with love in his scarlet eyes. He quickly shot his eyes down to the spot that the revealing letter had been found. My cheeks flushed the color of his eyes. He glanced back up at me and said,

"I love you too."



My heart went at such a fast pace, I could barely keep up. He really meant it, didn't he . . . ?
My arms wrapped around him, and his went around my waist.

His fingers traced my jawline and closed the space between us.

Let's think this out. Hear me.
So, I'm kissing my demon butler again.


•He's hot as hell (Heh)°
•He acts very caring.°
•The secret is easy to keep°

(The kinks would be amazing) No... off track.


•5,000 year age gap°
•Soul being fucking eaten°
•Faustain Contract°

I kept kissing.

When we parted, I couldn't keep my gaze from the floor. This... This was perfect. I tried not to think about the events that would take place on the near future.


All was fine in the Phantomhive household. As always, the morning light shone through the Young Lord's room and crept over his king bed set. Sebastian would dress Ciel and serve him his breakfast. After addressing his meal, the demon butler turned on his heel to give his lover peace.

"Sebastian, do you love me?" the young boy called as his butler was walking to his next destination, startling him. Sebastian tripped over the cotton rug and landed flat on his back. Still on the ground, he replied in shock,

"What a dumb question." He looked up to see Ciel peering over him. His hair hung toward the floored Sebastian's face.

Ciel smiled, "I thought you would say something like that." He kneeled down to his lover, who was now sitting upright. "I know that it may be a little confusing to you. You'll understand later." The tiled floor was the young boy's only concern, it seemed.

"I love you, Sebastian."

The (Raven... Heh) haired man stood up and tackled Ciel to the ground. Kissing him surprisingly softly on the lips.

"S-Sebastian!" He screeched, blushing madly.

"Let me show you, My Lord, how much I truly love you."

Sebastian swiftly unbuttoned Ciel's shirt, running his hand down the smooth surface of his stomach down to his belt.

"Don't worry" Sebastian said softly, "I'll be gentle."

Thank you, McKinley for the sponsored cliff hanger. kanra-orihara khoshie_the_cat !

It was a sunny, fresh morning when they both realized Sebastian truly wasn't gentle.

Ciel sat up in his bed, quickly realizing that the night prior was some of a mistake, he lay back down. He heard Sebastian's pronounced footsteps as the bound butler made his way around Ciel's bed and spoke.

"Good morning, My Lord."

Now, this would have been normal behavior... If Sebastian would not have looked like a human that had just woken from hibernation.

"Erm... Sebastian...?" He just looked himself up and down and slid into bed next to me. "What are you doing..?" Sebastian just gave me the well-isn't-it-fucking-obvious look.

"Not a damn thing... And neither are you." He said as I almost slipped out of bed in shock. He grabbed my wrist and stabilized me.

"Well, if we're not doing anything, I'll just...-" I curled onto his lap and sighed. I could hear Sebastian's nonexistent heart speed up to infinity. His non gloved hands caressed my face, leaving a crimson blush.

"I love you, demon." The words escaped my lips, slow as molasses. "My feelings for you reach to the depths of mighty hell, up to the tips of the solitary heavens, and back here, in our warm, soft bed." Without noticing, my face was consumed in red and a tear rested in my eye. I wrapped my small arms around my raven lover. I could almost purr.

After a few moments of furiously blushing I decided to speak up. "I think I'm ready for breakfast." And with that he stood, kissed me and headed toward the kitchen.

A few moments after, he came back and sat on the corner of the bed, breakfast-less. I gave him a look of confusion as he shifted his weight into the white sheets.

"Unfortunately, Young Master, we are missing a few ingredients at the moment, I will have to pursue town for said items." He turned on his heel to leave and I followed. Sebastian raised his eyebrow at me and I smiled.

"Okay, then."

"It's a nice day, do you think so Sebastian?" His crimson eyes gazed at mine and I almost melted. The color of his eyes rubbed off onto my cheeks.

"Yes, quite so. . . ." He said as we passed a barber shop.

"Something bothering you, Sebastian?"

"It's nothing my lord."

"So about the letter I had received not too long ago..."

"What about it?"

"We've got a murder mystery on our hands once again."

I had no frikkin idea that you could put a PICTURE in the middle of the chapter........ Thanks for not telling me, cumsluts.)
Holy cranberries, I'm alive! I've been so busy, I couldn't get any time in. I'm so sorry about the short chapter!

I don't really know where I'm going with this, so give me some ideas... (I'm lost.)

Another Chappie fixed!! ^-^

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