Chapter 27

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Imran's POV
I was lying in bed thinking about Aminah's words "you lost me". She was right, I lost her and this time forever! I couldn't sleep and so decided to keep myself busy with my phone but then I got a message from Chloe.
Chloe: Are you awake?
Me:  yeah
Chloe: what happened Imran?
Where did my Imran go?
Me: Chloe, I don't know if you have noticed, I don't want you anymore.
It's over. Please don't ask me why
Chloe: why?
Just tell me why
Did I make any mistake?
Me:Chloe please
It's over, bye
Chloe: Immi please

I was getting angry so therefore I deleted her number and blocked it. Maybe Aminah was right, maybe I really had lost hope in Allah and maybe that's why he had punished me like this. But I didn't know what to do, I was confused. I wanted to become a better muslim but just couldn't find the way. I quickly checked if I had Aminah's number and luckily I still had it but I remembered when she blocked it. I tried just to make sure.
I waited for 5 more minutes but didn't get any reply and then I knew she still had blocked me but then I got a reply from her.
Me: are you awake
Aminah: yeah why?
Me: Aminah I thought back about your words and I realized you're right
I lost hope in Allah but I want that back
I want to become a better muslim
Aminah: wow, good to hear
I am happy for you
Me: but I need your help
Aminah: my help?
Me: yeah
I don't know where to start
Aminah: I don't know either
Me: please Aminah
I know you are upset with me
But Aminah, I really want make it up
Please help me
I know Allah punished me because I lost my hope in him
Aminah: haha do you really think this is a punishment?
Imran, this is no punishment, it is a test for you
Allah wanted to bring you on the right path
Therefore he put you through this test and guess what
You passed, congrats
I am genuinely happy for you
I will try to help you, but I will do it from
Tomorrow, because I am tired now okay?
Me: really? Maybe you're right.
Aminah, I really lost you didn't I?
I wish we could go back and make you mine
Anyways thanks, and sure we will start
Thanks again
Aminah: good night
Me: good night J

So it was not a punishment? But why did it hurt so much to lose the person you love so much. At least I had brought her over to help me, I was very tired to think further and so went to sleep.

Aminah's POV

I didn't expect Imran to change because of something like this. I still couldn't really believe that he had taken the decision to change but I gave it a try. I would try to help him as much as I could do but not without Rehan's permission. I had told everything about Imran and Emir to Rehan, and he was rather surprised than angry. He was actually happy because I was honest with him. It was very weird telling him all those stuff, but after I told him I felt very comfortable talking to him.

The next morning

We still had another week left of our holiday. I woke up in the morning and prayed my Fajr prayers. After that I started looking for something on the internet which would help Imran with his iman. I send him some links of surahs and a page where everything about salah was explained.
It felt actually very good to help someone with his iman because not only him would get blessings I would get as well.

We had breakfast together and after that we started unpacking our stuff, when I got a call from Rehan.
"hey, baby" he said as soon as I picked up the phone. It made me blush as no one ever called me like that. It was cute though. "hey, how are you?" I asked him. "I am fine, what about you?" he asked me in a flirty voice. "Okay Rehan, please stop talking like that. I am not used to it" I told him. "haha okay okay" he said. "anyways, did you guys arrive safely?" he asked. "yeah, we came and Dawud uncle picked us up and we had our dinner with them" I explained him. " okay, good.... I already miss you" he said as I blushed again. " miss you too.... Rehan I have to tell you something". And I explained everything about our conversation with Imran. "do you mind if I just help him?  I actually already send him some links, I promise it will be very casual" I told him as I meant it. "hahaha Aminah, you don't have to ask me everything. I know how you are, I don't need any explanation. I am not like other men, you know how your situation is so you make your own decisions" he said as I felt better.

Imran's POV
As soon as I woke up, I quickly checked my phone and opened the message I got from Aminah. She send me some links of surahs and some for salah. I decided to start learning the surahs, I just knew my kalima.

I was having breakfast when my mum heard me practising a surah during the breakfast. "what are you doing?" she asked as I was shocked at the sudden question. "oh, I am practising a surah....mum" I paused for a moment when I saw her listening interestingly. "I asked Aminah to help me with my iman" I told my mum. She looked very happy after hearing it. My mum wasn't really practising either but she always was interested in Islam. She always wanted her children to have a strong iman. "Alhamdulillah, after so much time you have finally started. You really made me happy today" she said as she really looked happy. it made me happy to see her happy, it was a good feeling making other people happy. after so long time, I finally felt happy for real, Alhamdulillah!

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