August 24 2013
*part 1*
It was just another ordinary night for me at my best friends Rachel and Amanda's house. They were sisters, Amanda was the same age as me and Rachel was a year younger. Beau Brooks just tweeted "retweet for a follow" of corse I retweeted it, I always do when ever any of the boys from The Janoskians do a follow spree. After Rachel and I were in Rachel's room talking when a tweet popped up on my iPhone. I looked at it, then looked at Rachel then looked at it again then looked at Rachel with a panicked look. "Abby what?" Rachel asked "BEAU BROOKS JUST FUCKING FOLLOWED ME ON FUCKING TWITTER! FUCK!" I screamed. The tears started forming in my eyes and I started crying and I stop breathing for a second. "Oh my god really!" Rachel asked! "Yes! OMG OMG OMG!" I said back "I always retweet there tweets and they never follow me! Oh my god I can't believe this just happened" I said sobbing. I then got a DM from Beau saying "hey, thanks for following all of us. I followed you back because me and the boys think you are very beautiful. We want to fly you and 2 people to Australia for 2 weeks so we can get to know you. We hope you can come!" I showed Rachel the message right away and we screamed! "Wanna go to Australia with me?!" I screamed and asked Rachel "of corse!" She said back. "Amanda too!" I said I screamed. I then called my mum and told her. She was surprisingly ok with us going alone, I mean I'm 17 so I guess I should of known. I then went and asked Amanda if she wanted to come, she said yes of corse! I DMed Beau back and said "Oh my god of corse I would love to come! When is the flight?" He wrote back "your flight with the 2 people you chose, the plane will comes to get you tomorrow at 12pm" "ok, thank you so much Beau!" I said back. The next day came fast we were all packed and ready to go. We get to the air port and on the plane. The flight was 12 hours but there was 6 hours left till we get there. The hole flight I could only think about the Janoskians and how perfect, amazing, sweet and funny they all are. I have been a fan since the start. As soon as their first video come out I was in love, and they thought I was pretty. I just can't believe it. WOW. We get off the plane and get our bags. We tern around to call a cab and we see The Janoskians standing there looking for us. We walk towards them and they see us. "Hello" I said in a shy voice. "Hey welcome to Australia" Beau said. "Thank you" I said then they took our bags and we got into their car. They drove us to our hotel and helped us get settled in. "This is the nicest hotel in Australia. And the 5 of us are right next door so nothing can happen to you beautiful girls" James said. "Thank you boys so much! You boys already do a lot for all the fans, and now you brought us here. How can we repay you?" Amanda said. "You girls don't need repay us, you girls are fans, and all we want is to be your friends" Luke said helping us unpack.
*2 days later*
Beau and I were alone in my room laying on the my bed when we hear loud banging on the door "HELP! SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP!" We hear a voice outside our door.
To be continued..
Read the next chapter for the rest of this short story!
P.S. the first part was actually true. Up in till it says "beau DMed me"
I Hope My Dreams Come True.
FanfictionEvery chapter is different, because this book is written about my dreams that I have almost every night. Every chapter there will be a new dream. I hope you enjoy!