classes and freinds

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Miso and Olivia walk up to 3 people "this is new freind Miso she told the bullies to get lost !"said Olivia everyone looked suprised "hi i'm Miso and you 3 are?"Miso said quietly they all said there names . Alex (boy) Charlotte and Willow .Olivia said that Charlotte and Willow were dating (both girls) Ring Ring goes the bell "what class do you have Miso?"says Olivia "I have math "replies Miso "Alex has that class " says Charlotte Alex looks at Miso there eyes meet 👀Alex holds Miso's hand and pulls her Miso looks at him and follows .The others go to there classes . Alex let's go of Miso's hand and he sits in his seat.Miso was in and the teacher notices Miso."Ah there u are Miso I'm Mrs Green you math teachers Miso looks at her and she had ....long brown hair,green eyes,baby soft skin,very skinny,makeup looking perfect."em....Sooo Miso tell us a little bit about your self."Miso finds her words "em....well I love mcr and fall out boy I love skateboarding and that's about it " Mrs Green looks up in suprise "Well that's good who will sit next to Miso?"then 1 hand goes up it was Alex 😲"Well done Alex there u go Miso " She sits next to him 😜 Mrs Green talks about some math home work and that they need a protractor . ring Ring goes the bell it's for a short break . Miso currles in a small corner and starts her homework.Alex goes over to her and drops a note . Miso picks up the note it says u are really nice.😶😶😶She writes a note saying you to ☺.Miso drops the note Alex reads it and -blushes- The bell rings and Miso sees Olivia. Olivia walks her to English she sits down and .....Sees Alex she passes a note saying how are u ?.He writtes good and how are u ? The notes keep going threw English, French, Drama . ring Rind goes the bell (they already had lunch) Miso is about to leave school when........?. . . . . . . . ?

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