I have to tell you something

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Caleb point of view

I am planning on telling my moms I am gay today and that I am seeing someone ( the pic of the kid up there) but were not boyfriends yet . I told every one to get ready to go to IHOP.
They were taking forever beside Mommie she was already done we were matching we both had a gray shirt a gray and white snap back gray jeans and a gray and white flannel she started vloging and she showed the camera how we were matching.Oh I forgot what to day was it was the year after Joey was kidnapped.


I was sleeping when I heard footsteps in the hallway and they sounded really heavy they weren't any of my moms feet walking like that or Joe's or Zoe's feet either. Than I heard Joey screaming witch woke us all up.I ran out there and so did everyone else I caught up to them and the girl threw Joey in the car . I got in my car with mommie and mom Zoe stayed home to watch the house. I speed off and catched up to them than we got stopped by a cop but I told him what happened and they let me go but the kidnapper was long gone.
Flashback ends

When we got IHOP I told them I had someone I would like them to meet. Than Jacob came in with a gray shirt some blue jeans and a dark green beanie.

This is Jacob I want to tell you something . I am gay and Jacob is more than a friends that's why I wanted to come here .To tell you this and one last thing- I turned and looked at Jacob and I said will you be my boyfriend

Jacob- Yes.

Mommie- I approve .Yo guys have been friends for years plus I already knew you were gay so did Zoe and Mom .

Caleb- Okay. I am so happy that you guys approved.Wait is that Joey over there it looks exactly like him.

I ran over and it was Joey.He was with some boy.

Caleb- Hi Joey.

Joey- oh my god. Caleb is that you?

Caleb- Yes.

Joey- where's Mommie and mom?

Caleb- Follow me there over here.

We walked over and we hugged together in a big group hug mommie and mom had tears in there eyes.

Mommie- I can't believe that we are seeing you again I feel like its been ten years.

Joey- I know you guys all look so different. Whos that ? He pointed to Jacob

Caleb- That's my boyfriend.

Joey- I am so happy for you I was sitting over there with my boyfriend do you guys want to meet him.

All- Yes.

Joey- This is Chase Lush and he's Mathew Lushes son.

Mommie- OK. I haven't seen Mathew since like high school.Well it's nice to meet you Chase.

Joey- Well this is my family and then Jacob is my brothers boyfriend.

Mommie- Do you guys wanna sit with us.

Joey and Chase- Yeah

We caught up with Joey and we learned some stuff about Chase.Since we we built are house more we have enough room for all of us in the house.

Mommie- Do you guys wanna stay with us?

Joey & Chase- Yeah.

Joey- I wanna catch up and make more things to remember with you guys.

We all went home and Camden Claudia and there puppies came running at us. Camden remembered Joey and jumped on him .

Joey- Hey Camden.

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