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I was awoken by the fact that my body couldn't withstand the obvious pain withheld throughout my body. A crevice in the blinds informed me that it was no longer night yet early morning.

A pained noise left my mouth unconsciously, my body stiff from laying on what seemed like a mound of blankets. The room was dark and smelled of cheap cleaning utilities.

"Fuck." I said in in a hushed choke, a hand clutching my gut as I coughed without choice. My hands felt around my surroundings in a cautious manner, scanning the area by touch.

I remained somewhat calm despite the fact I was in a room I'd never been in. I struggled to sit up, my entire lower body engulfed with a burning sensation. Through squinted eyes I peered around the small, dim room. My drowzy frame kicked at the blankets that held me down.

There were bunk beds set up on either side, each holding a flimsy mattress in place. Empty, yet I could tell they had been preoccupied not long before. Walls surrounding me encased small drawings and handwritten words I could not be bothered to read as of now.

The echoe of voices snapped me from my timid observations and I quickly smacked my upper half against the mattress and closed my eyes.

"You have all of her information correct?" One voice boomed as it grew uneasily closer to the room where I was held captive. "Adress, parents number, all there." The other one answered, clearly intimidated by the first male who had spoken. I could make out the distinct sound of several keys rattling before a flood of fluorescent lights fell upon my tightly shut eyelids.

"Wake up Marilyn." A light nudge to the arm followed the order. I opened them without protesting and blinked a few times, adjusting to the change in lighting.

Two men stood before me. An older man, graying hair and a beer belly and a another I'd presume to be around twenty, jet black hair and stoner eyes. "Around here we get up when everyone else is up." The old man said tapping a pen against his clipboard. "I'll let this slide just once because you're new."

I shuffled against the stiff mattress and starred up at them both with a confused expression. Fear plagued both my eyes as well as my inner being. I could hear my heart pulsating inside of my chest and I swear to god, they could too.

"I run things around here. Adress me as Marco." His aging face tilted upward with a nod towards the other boy, signaling him. He nodded and looked down on me, "Jesse."

"You'll be seeing his face quite often." Marco chuckled dryly, looking down at his clipboard and absentmindedly pulling at his beard. "We have a few rules...Santos, " I shuddered at his words when I slowly began to sew the pieces together,"One being, stay clean. We have the cleanest facility around and I don't plan on changing that. Shower twice a day and after intercourse. It'll make it easier on you. Two, if you try anything, and I mean anything I have your parents adress." He waved around a blue envelope, causing my breath to hitch in my throat.

"Do you understand Ms. Santos?"

I didn't nod. I simply looked up at the two of them in complete tepredation. My shaky trembling limbs sending shivers up through my spine and to my brain. I took another look at the younger boy, referred to as Jesse. He looked at me without emotion, like he was used to all of this. He dropped our gaze and looked to the side.

"Get up. Shower." He spoke without patience, clapping his hands together and smacking his lips. I struggled to pull myself from the bed and to my bruised legs. For the first time I got a good look at my appearance. The clothes I had been wearing yesterday were replaced by an old, dirty t-shirt that hung just below my knees.

I've heard of these places. I knew exactly what I was in for. The sad thing was that I wasn't afraid as the information settled in to my brain. I was numb down to the tips of my fingers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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