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I wake up to my alarm going off *beep beep beep* I reach around my nightstand with my eyes closed trying to find my alarm clock. I finally find it but I can't find the snooze button so I just throw the alarm clock across the room. Hehe

I drag my body out of bed and turn on the shower. While it heats up I pick out my outfit for school. I finally found the outfit I want. High wastes shorts with the pockets coming a little past the end of the shorts a blackish purple tank top crop top and a grey cardigan and my white high top converse. (Pic to side or top)

I hop into the shower and start washing myself. Once I finish I get dressed then put my clothes on. I don't really feel like doing my hair today so I just brush it out and leave it down. Then I just put on some simple makeup. Mascara and a thin line of eyeliner then just some clear lipgloss.

I walk into the kitchen and poor a bowl of fruit loops. My brother comes out of his room only 30 minutes till we leave. "Why are u just now getting up? We're gonna be so late cause of you" I say "I don't care I wanna be late" Dylan says "idiot. Anyways you better hurry cause we're leaving soon I don't care if your ready or not." Then he replies with "cool." I just roll my eyes and finish my cereal.

Dylan is in 11th grade he's 17. He always gets up late and makes us late everyday for school. "Let's go!" My dad yells walking out the door. "Hurry up" I tell Dylan.

We finally arrive at school "alright see you later" dad says. I shut the door and walk through the school doors. My brother just wonders off to his group of friends. When I arrive at my locker I get my books out for my first class math ugh I hate math. When I close my locker- "HI!!" My friend bekah says loudly. I gasp "OMG bekah don't ever do that again" I giggle. She just laughs at me. "Omg omg OMG omg I'm soooo happy right now" bekah says. "What is it this time?" I say used to this happening A LOT "Ross HAS won the best actor award 4 YEARS IN A ROW!!!" She says excitedly. I roll my eyes "ugh why he's not a good actor" I say "what did you just say" in a very serious voice "oh nothing... Let's get to class now." I say that just as the bell rings.

First period was tiring and really boring. I want something interesting to happen. Just as I thought that bekah screams really loud. Everyone just stares at her and she turned bright red and said "oh umm I uh umm I hurt my finger." She said embarrassed. I knew she was lying. I knew she was on her phone and fangirled out loud on accident.

The teacher Mrs. Petroff just rolls her eyes and goes on with the lesson. I look over at bekah and laugh and mouth the words 'weirdo' and she just giggles. Well something pretty interesting happened so I wasn't that bored anymore.

When the bell rang I quickly got my stuff and ran out of the room with bekah right behind me. We get to our lockers which are only 2 lockers away from each other. We see our friend Nathalie with her boyfriend Michael. We walk up to her and I say "hey guys what's up" when they realize we're there Michael quickly walks away and she says "oh hey guys what's up" then me and bekah look at each other confused and bekah asks "umm what the heck was that about" and Nathalie looks kinda nervous. "What do u mean?" Then I say "why did he quickly run away when we walked up?" Nathalie totally ignored my question and brought up a different subject.

Finally school was over and I was on my way home after I said goodbye to my friends. I just plopped down on my couch on my phone and just rested for about an hour.

----------------------------------------------sorry this chapter is short and it probably sucks but oh well

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