The Primarch's giant Helper - Xavier Light

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Name: General Xavier Light

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Appearance: Xavier has bright purple hair styled into lots of spikes. His hair matches his large, vibrant blue eyes. He is extremely tall at 6'10. He is also extremely muscular.

Personality: He is a great secret-keeper, due to him being a mute, and the Primarch's right-hand man. His actions speak louder than any word can and a single look can silence a whole room full of officials. Only a few people have heard him speak, many have not lived to tell what he said in fact the only person who is still alive in the Primarch.He is an incredibly loyal person even though he knows of the corruption happening and will stand by his master no matter what. He is a father figure to all who know him.

Background: Xavier grew up in the poorer parts of Cocoon and has had a childhood full of sorrow. After his sister, Ellie's, death due to sickness when she was young he promised he refused to speak to anyone, turning to a life of an assassin in a vow to protect his 3 remaining younger sisters from the same fate as Ellie. He once had a job assigned to him by the Primarch that if he completed successfully then both him and his family would live surrounded by wealth. Later he was recruited into the Sanctum army after his proof of his capability's. He has never looked back.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2013 ⏰

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