Beautiful eyes in a blur (2)

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                                                    Chapter Two

                                                     Beautiful eyes in a blur

Those dark enchanting eyes were no animal but a real person, they saved me from the charging herd, risking their own life. The fuzzy blur became clearer and the shape was widening and stilling. Another set of eyes came closer, two people must have saved me!

"Hello, who are you?" said the figure.

I stood up and announced myself, "my name is Kosey Ba, what has happened?

One of the figures spoke "My name is Kwasi and this is Shahla, Shahla is my sister and we were looking for our boomerang because it flew in here accidentally, what on earth were YOU doing?

"I was exploring" I muttered that as a spectacular idea came to my mind, they could come exploring with me. "Thank you for risking your life to save me, I can't believe that, well........................."Join me, lets go to my den, see that mud hut in the garden? I built that " he said it with pride.

" It wasn't me who saved you it was Shahla, Shahla saved you. Kwasi spoke as we climbed the hedgerow full of subtle, pale colours sprouting from ear to ear.

Shahla had the most beautiful eyes, she had the eyes of deep, dark, sky, blue scattered with stars, she had  long braided hair and dark skin. Kwasi had bright green eyes and short hair and he also had a dark shade of colour to his skin but is was darker than Shahlas. They were skinny and wearing colourful kikoys with really old scatty sandals like mine.

We all agreed to go to the mud hut den I built. There's a small tyre by the gate with a hole in the top perfectly fitted for putting rope through. Kwasi is really nice and he said I can borrow Shahlas knife to cut the rope off from around the old tree which I was going to use for my camp but never ended up using, We need to replace it in a higher, stronger tree.

Shahla doesn't say much but she agrees with everything we say and she gazes with deep bright glares, but Kwasi is very outgoing, kind, and clever and I think he's in the running of being the greatest explorer.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2014 ⏰

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