Things to do before l die

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l die read this story/pome about stuff this person wanted to do before they died. So l die desided to do it to so if you don't want to read this story you don't have to. But if you are like me then and have thows suicidal thougts you should do this to for when you have thows suicidal thougts to reminded you there is something to live for even if it is for yourself or a person it don't have to be long it could be short.

l want to see my best friend get married

I want to to see the world

Find that one person that you can't live with out

Hit famous people in the face the people who do supped things (like lady gaga with the meat dress)

Sky dive

Get that Harley Quinn tattoo

Live in a different country

See my littlest sister grow into a woman

Get a dog

Have a kid named (Wednesday.... or Harley Quinn....)

Get married

Write a song

Become an artists and sell my art

Go around the world

See snow

Go to art school

Have a future with the person I love

Light fireworks

Die my hair

Buy a gun

Go hunting

Live in a house by myself

Go to cliff diving in Greek country

Go on a plane

Go sweeping with sharks

Get over my fear of spiders, sanks, and clounds the ones with the red noses

Start working

Get my drier liens

Get a truck

Go camping with out my family

Go into the army

To be continued..............

Thank you for reading this if you did you are great but if you read this and are going to do what i did and write one of these for when you want to kill yourself you are awesome and I love you and will always will even if i don't know you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2013 ⏰

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