Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


I watched as the new girl walked out the front door with her purse high on her arm. It had been dark in Bentley's place, but I was able to make out a few features with the help of the large outside lamps. I could see that her hair was dark and there was a lot of it. Her voice hadn't been too high-pitched like most of the girls I'd been around, but it was still feminine nonetheless. Bentley was always good at hiring cute girls and hated that Wilder, Chase, and I made them quit usually after the first three months because we'd fuck them and then that was it. They couldn't handle the "no strings attached" shit and they'd get pissy and leave. It was one of the reasons why she hardly ever hired girls, but she'd hired this one. What made her so special?

After I'd watched the waitress disappear behind the curve of the building, I had called Wilder to tell him where I was. He was on his way to come get me since I couldn't drive my car. The police would be on high alert the rest of the night. I'd dropped it off at the auto shop where I worked down the road and hid it there. I'd come back for it tomorrow morning.

Headlights flashed through the windows as they turned down the street between this building and the one next to it. About the same time my phone rang and Wilder's name flashed on the screen

"Come out the back door."

"Alright." I hung up and checked the front door once before leaving. I set the backdoor to automatically lock behind me before I pulled the door open to Chase's car. Wilder sat in the front seat and turned around with a smile on his face.

"You drop the Camaro off at Clay's?" he asked me. I nodded and Chase backed out and drove down the lonely street. The streetlights above us lit up the sidewalks and dormant shops that lined the left side of the road. A few other cars passed by, but this end of the street was quiet for the most part.

"Did you know your sister hired a new girl?" I asked while putting my seatbelt on. I may be a street racer, but part of racing was being safe.

"Your sister hired a girl?" Wilder turned his head towards Chase, but his eyes were glancing back at me. This was as much of news to him as it was to me.

"I didn't know she had hired a girl. Why?"

"Because I just saw her locking up the café. She must be pretty new considering she didn't know who I was. She wouldn't let me in the front door. I had to go through the damn back." Chase laughed.

"There's a first. A girl not opening something for Tristan Hayes." He let out a low whistle and I kicked his seat, making him bob forward slightly.

"She hot?" Wilder was like a little kid when it came to females. When he saw one that he liked he became persistent as hell until he got what he wanted from her, and they usually came more than eager for his attention. Wilder expected nothing less. It was one the traits in him that had definitely had me wanting to beat the shit out of him more than once. Wilder thought that he was entitled to any and everything he wanted. I hated people like that, but he was my best friend. I hated him about ninety percent of the time.

"From what I could see, yeah. It was dark in there except for the streetlights outside."

"We'll go back tomorrow. I need to talk to Bentley anyway." The building that mine and Wilder's apartment was in was coming up. The roommate thing worked for us because I liked to stay out on weekends and he liked to stay out during the week. So we each had our own private time in the apartment to use however we pleased.

"I'd like to come, too. It's been a while since I've seen Bentley. Them legs man..." Wilder's body went stiff in the seat. I put my hand on his shoulder to let him know to stay put. You could talk about women all you wanted with Wilder, but you talked about Bentley like she was just another girl to fuck on the weekends and he'd lose it. He may be the younger sibling, but he watched out for his sister.

"Chase, don't start," I told him. Chase's lips curled up into a smile as he glanced over at the very pissed off passenger in the seat next to him.

"What? You know Bentley's easy on the eyes, Tristan." Wilder clenched his fists in his lap and I tightened my grip on his shoulder. Bentley was hot as hell. That I wouldn't deny. We all knew that and Wilder knew we all knew that. But she was my best friend's big sister. There is no way in hell I'd ever touch her. Did I think about it? Hell yes, when I was in middle school and we started noticing girls more. But now that thought made me sick to my stomach. Bentley was like my own sister. Chase was just an ass and liked fucking around with people.

"Chase, you shut your mouth now and Wilder just might let you drive away with your face still somewhat nice-looking." He tossed his head back and laughed as he pulled up inside the parking lot in front of the apartment complex. I unbuckled my seatbelt and watched as Wilder mimicked my action, never once taking his eyes off the driver. If Chase kept going I just may turn around and go on up and leave him here to deal with Wilder.

"He knows I'm just fucking with him don't you, Wild?" Wilder opened the door and slammed it shut.

"Thanks for the ride, man," I said before opening the door.

"No problem." I shut the door and watched him leave before turning to go into the lobby. Wilder stood at the elevators waiting when I came up beside him. His breathing was rigid and his posture was stiff.

"You alright?" I asked him as I watched the doors in front of us closely. Our reflections were blurred by the surface as I stared at them.

"Chase needs to learn when to keep his fucking mouth shut." The elevator opened and we stepped on without another word. Our apartment was on the eleventh floor. It took up over half of it. About two years ago we'd saved all of our money that we'd earned and had bought an apartment fit for our tastes. It was big with four bedrooms and a wide living room. The kitchen was nice, too. It also had one hell of a balcony that provided the perfect view of Miami. There were lawn chairs and a hot tub in the corner. It was calming up there. I liked things being calm. It's one of the reasons why I raced. It provided a sense of tranquility along with the adrenaline that pumped through my veins.

I'd loved cars since I was a kid. When Wilder and I had been seven, Wilder's uncle, Clay, had taken us to his small auto shop and taught us as much about the machines as he could. We'd needed a way to keep us out of as much trouble as possible. It didn't help much because Wilder and I had been trouble since the moment we left our mothers' wombs. My mother aged at least two decades when I was born and she was always worried about me. But thanks to Clay, she always had a way of keeping a watchful eye on me when she couldn't be with me at all times. Ever since that first day I'd walked into the shop filled with rundown automobiles and clanking tools, I knew that I'd found the promised land. Cars were my saving grace and racing was my vice.

"I'm going to bed, Tristan. I'll see you tomorrow." Wilder headed straight for his room at one end of our apartment and I headed for my room at the other.

After I'd taken my shower and laid down in my bed, I started to think about the girl from the café. I didn't even get her name. I hadn't even seen her face that much so why was she so interesting to me? We'd spoken all but five sentences to each other. I knew that I'd be going back tomorrow. I had to. If a girl was passing my mind at this hour it was usually because I needed some relief and I wanted company, but this...this felt different.

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