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sunday with seokjin

your pov;

it was 11 in the morning. i woke up to the beautiful sound of birds chirping, the window was slightly opened which lead to the sound of wind swiftly moving through my hair.

the first thing i did was check my phone to see if there was anything new. a few minutes later, one of my closest friends, seokjin texted.

"heyy, are you doing anything today??"

with my eyes a bit opened, i was half awake and half asleep. i texted seokjin cute messages back.

"hmm.. no, why?? oh, did you want to hang out or something?"

"i miss you :)"

my heart warmed up and i felt so fluffy inside after sending those texts. me and seokjin were good friends and since he was always busy, i've been missing him lately. especially when on most sundays we would go out on small dates.

"ahh, how'd you know?? yes, i wanted to ask if you would like to get some coffee with me like how we always do.. and i miss you too, love. *sends cute heart emojis*"

my heart was happy and filled with joy. i've waited months and today was a day that he was actually free and had time.

"alright!! i'm getting ready, i'll meet you in 30, okay??"

i jumped up and down on my bed, now fully awake and filled with happiness and enthusiasm. it sounds a bit over dramatic but i couldn't help but be really happy that i haven't seen my friend in months and now is a good time to be caught up with each other's lives.

"ah okay, i'll come over to pick you up now :)"

i squealed at his cute message and decided to get myself ready quickly.


by now, i was fully ready.  i was in a rush but i looked perfect for this mini date. i waited outside on my doorstep, waiting for seokjin to show up.

5 minutes have probably passed by now. i saw a car coming towards my direction, i squinted my eyes to see who it was through the car window, it was seokjin. the boy that takes me out on cute coffee dates, the boy that calls me by "love", honestly the sweetest boy alive.

seokjin opened his car door and came out with open arms to greet me. his arms were all out and opened for me, i didn't hesitate, not even one bit, to run over to him and give him the biggest and warmest hug.

"it's been a while." i thought.

it was nice hugging seokjin. his touch and grip together was warm and had a feeling of protectiveness. i missed these hugs. i lived for these hugs.

seokjin pulled back from the hug, which left me still hugging tightly onto him like a little kid holding onto their parent.

"ahh, stop it! we're gonna run late!" he said, trying to get out of my grip. my grip was pretty strong which left him impressed and a bit mesmerized.

i finally pulled away from the hug. i apologized for being like this, it's just that i've been missing his touch and the feeling of HIS warmth.

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