Chapter 1 ( about me )

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Hi, my name is Rebeca, Rebeca Marain that is. I'm 15 years old, and I'll be 16 next month. I don't really celebrate my birthday, in fact I don't really celebrate anything, but that's fine I guess. I was thought that holidays were just excuses to lie to you children about fat people eating your cookies and in return giving you a box, getting things you'll only use once or twice, and gaining the weight that you were sopose to loose. But that's fine every month or so if I'm good my parents will get me a small gift, that's how I got you journal. They said your the one thing I can keep private to myself, unless it's nessisary to look, it reasonable. I live in a house were your not allowed to make mistakes, if you do you sleep outside. Nobody's ever aloud to come over or borrow anything.

That's my life at home, but my school life is completely different. I have a strict school schedule, I get up,at 4 a.m., I shower, get dressed, then walk five miles to school. Then I go to my locker put my things in and take my books out. You now that one locker that every school has that always gets stuck, and is always rusty no matter how much you clean it, well that's my locker. After that I go to first hour, to my assigned seat and silently wait on till the bell rings, when class starts I do not take my eyes off of the teacher for a single second, I make sure I don't miss one single word. Then I do my homework silently on till the bell rings. I go to second hour right after, then repeat the steps from first hour. In TA we usually work on assignments. Then third hour repeat steps of first and second hour. At Lunch I just sit  alone at the dark wiggles table in the corner, on Tuesdays Blake Denson takes my lunch money, beats me up and through so me in the trash can, so I always pack a lunch too, forth hour, fith hour, sixth hour, and seventh hour. I stay an extra three hours at school for a better education and to help the lunch ladies pick up. They never remember me though. I get out around 6:00 p.m. Then walk five miles back home.

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