Chapter 2 ( the beginning)

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Hi, today's Monday. Most people don't like Mondays, but I think there the best day of the week. I take the, as a chance to be different, it never happens though. Then again I don't like changes. Hope still stands though, I think today will be good. Right now I'm on my way to school. You think it's a long walk, but it's fine. I'm always happy to get some fresh air anyway. 

When I got to school, I put my stuff away and went to first hour, right on schedule. I was early so I started reading my book( I'm only aloud to read non fiction and science fiction books. I was told fairytales and dreams were a wast of time.). When the bell finally rang I put my book away. I was assigned a seat in the back corner of the class room. The teacher came in and shut the door behind her, then stood in the front of the room and said,"good morning class" and in a mournful tone the class said back, "good morning" ( at my house I would be punished for such behavior.).  " Oh come on class I know it's Monday, but have a little energy." Then she put her hand by her ear and lent towards us ( the class ). "GOOD MORNING" we ( the class ) ,said louder. "Great now let's get started, we have a lot to do today", the teacher said while writing the word agonizing on the board. "Ok class who can raise there hand and" the teacher said befor being rudely interrupted by the cracklings microphone that said in a high pich lady voice," Rebeca Marain please report to room 119, Rebeca Marain please report to room 119."

At that moment I feel a shiver go up my spine, I then look straight at the teacher with a "What do I do" expression on my face. She gives me a fake smile and angles her head towards the door. I stand up straight and wipe my shirt down, and walk towards the door. When I open it I look back at the teacher, and she nodded with the fake smile still on her face. I took a deep breath and walked out the door. I walk down the deserted hallways, as I pass room 116, 117, 118, then 120. I hesitated, then walked walked backwards 116, 117, 118, 120 there was no room 119. I tried again room 117, 118, 120 I shook my head, if I was tought correctly room 119 came befor room 120 and after room 118. Mabey it was located somewhere else? So I went down to the office and asked the lady sitting at the counter politely were room 119 was. She answered " well I'm not completely sure I'd predict somewhere in the basement if it's not up here, why do you ask?" I told here that the speaker announced for me to go there. She said" that, that would be impossible because l am the speaker controller, and I told no such person to go to room 199. Are you trying to lie to me little lady? "But..." "No buts I don't like liers, now get back to class." " yes ma'am" I answered. I walk back to class and sit back at my desk, I take out my work, then the speaker crackles again, " Rebeca Marain please repot to room 119, Rebeca Marain please report to room 119", I stand up and walk out the door, and did the same thing as earlier, I walked past room 116, 117, 118, 119, 120 wait I walk backwards to room 119, I stand there for a bit thinking, why did it all the sudden appear, did I just miss it the first time, no, well everybody makes mistakes, right?

 I nock on the door, it slowly opens, I look inside of the room befor I enter, it's small, white, and has a black rail around the edges, music was playing as well. It reminded me of an elevator entrance. I walk in and look around a bit more, then the door slams behind me giving me a jolt. then a little screen popped up in front of  me, with the words thumb print scan on top, with an arrow saying please put thumb here pointing to a picture of a thumb print. I set my thumb on it out of curiosity, I hear a computer voice say " scanning in progress " it took about 5 seconds before it said  " scanning complete" the it turned green with a ding noise, then all the sudden I start falling, I scream as loud as I can, then it stops. My books are scattered everywhere, so I quickly pick them up while I look around fearfully. The door opens, and I'm standing in a huge hospital/science lab looking place, and it looked amazing!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2016 ⏰

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