The little " game "

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As Ben was pinning you to the wall he laughs evilly and darkly he then teleport y'all into a lake and he is kinda sorda floating
Ben/ I will make you feel the pain I felt! Nobody knows how it feels to die this way! Nobody saved me nobody cared about it.... My own father watched me drown and didn't save me my own two cousins drowned me! Gouged my eyes out!!! I died in this lake..... Your gonna be next....
You/no ben! Wait I'm sure
Ben/it's to late for sorry.... Nobody well hear you cry for help.... This is just my game..... It's called BEN DROWNED * ben the tackles you shoving you under the water as you struggle to get free from his strong grip and you struggled so hard to breath your lungs slowly fill up with water and blood starts coming out your mouth he then picks you up out the water *
You/p-please..... S-STOP! * you gasped for air until being shoved back under *
Ben/* growls and picks you up agian chunking you on to the board walk he stands over you as he starts crying blood*
You/* you back aways slowly from. Ben *
Ben/* pins u to ground and presses knife AGIANST your throat so hard where it starts cutting into your throat * any last words? * twitching and glitching *
You/* thinks * yea.... Don't be to close to the edge * you then push him off u causing him to fall in the water and you take off running into the woods*
Ben/* growls GETING out the water * you can run but you can't hide!!! * laughs insanely and ben starts to chase you *
You/* hearing him and you run fast et and faster into the deep woods you start getting lost and come across a small abondened shack and you decide to take shelter there and it starts ranning *
Ben/* walks around trying to find you *
You/* Trying to steady your breathing as your heart races really fast *
Ben/*bust through the shack you were in and glares at you but starts feeling dizzy and falls to ground blacking out *
You/* you were shocked and walked over to him and poke his cheeks , he made no movement was ben....dead?! *

Thanks again for reading I hope you are enjoying this and told ya thing would get intresting 😉 anyways do you think ben died¿ we do all know his weakness is water....maybe he is really dead.....we will leave this at a cliffhanger good bye... For now
                         - insanity

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