Chapter 16 H-huh?...

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"Ok...I can do this...."

"Hey chump!"

The young man gets pulled out of his thoughts as one of his fellow workers nearly scare him to death.

"Bro! Don't do that! You know-"

"That you're a scaredy cat?"

"Whatever" The young man says as he tries to hide the folder of documents he has in hand. His fellow workers notices these files and tries to see if he can get the young man to say what his deal is with the documents.

"So where you heading to?"

"Just going out for a walk." The young man says as he keeping walk, facing forwards, because he knows once he looks at his fellow worker in the eyes, his cover will be blown.

"Is that so?.."


"Ha!" Before the young man finishes his reply, the other young man has taken the documents out of his hands.

"Hey!!! Don't you dare look in there!!"

Not listening to what he was told, he opens up the folder to find a bunch of papers, as well as a photograph of someone. As he quickly reads a bit the other young man takes his folder back.

" you're..."




          I hear the elevator open. Who could that be though? I slowly make my way down the aisle and see a tall man. He was young but not young like 16 or 18. He seems to be in his early 20s. With wearing everything black it was quite hard to see him. He also had a black briefcase with him. As I blink once....he disappears!

"W-what?!" I softly say to myself. I look around the room and find no sign of anyone, anywhere.


I jump and quickly turn around and I come face to face with the man...........


I blink a couple of time not believing this. How did he get here so fast?

"Do you by chance have another copy of this book?" The man said with a smile still kind of close up to my face.

I look at the book, "Eleanor And Park" by Rainbow Rowell. I remember reading the book back in 7th grade.

"Umm.., I pretty sure we do, follow me." I say in most calming voice I could make. 

        He looks like someone I know though. Heading over to the elevator I hear...what sounds to be like...laughing? I turn around and just find the same guy following me but he wasn't smiling nor laughing. He seemed to be quite serious looking, to be honest. I guess I'm just hearing things. I press the 'down' button and we stand there, waiting. Waiting very awkwardly, to be more specific. After what seems to be like ages, the elevator door opens.

"After you." He said as he stepped aside.

Well he has some manners, that's for sure.

"T-thanks.." And with that I step in, him following.

            I push the button number 1 and stand there hoping this ride will be quick and he won't try to talk to me. As I look over to him, I saw him looking at me. I felt my cheeks go red and I decided to keep looking straight ahead. A few seconds when by and I looked over again to see if he was still looking at me. Thankfully he wasn't but he was writing in a notebook. It was them it occered to me that this guy reminded me of William. The glasses, the same green-yellow eyes, the notebook, but except the nice black suit.


          The eleavator opened and I stepped out, with him following. The whole library seemed packed today. People where on the laptops, had their heads in books. It all seemed weird since no one really likes to come to the library but then I realized that exams starts on Monday. I would study but I have things to do right now. Plus I am--

"Are we close to finding where the book is. I'm in a hurry." He then said cutting me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, ahh, yea." I said not exactly knowing how else to respond to that statement.

                 We passed the font desk of the library and went into the way back of the library. I went between two big shelves and quickly began searching for the book he wanted. For some reason I couldn't find it. I looked on the first line of books, then another, and another but couldn't find it anywhere. I wanted to tell him that I couldn't find the book and that someone may have checked it out already, but I was scared to do so. One, because of his prevous statement, and two because he is kind of cute in way, and three, I don't feel like having to deal with someone who might scream at me for not finding a book. After looking even more I took a quick look at him and he was writing in that notebook again. I wanted to know what he was writing about. What if he some kind of observer hired by Mrs. Crow? That would mean I'm failing this "test."

I worked up the nerve to tell him, "I'm sorry sir, but I don't think I have the book in stock right now. If you want I can order a--"

"There's no need for that." He said cutting my off. "Here." He then ripped a piece of paper out of his notebook and folded it, giving it to me then.

I took the piece of paper and looked at it. "Alan Humphries" I'm guess that's his name.

"Just call me when the book is here again." He said as he ajusted his glasses on his face. He then started to walk off.

I look at the paper again but all I saw was his name. Not a number.

"Wait! Where's your number at?!" I said, quite loud, but not loud enough to disturb the library.

He stopped but he didn't turn around. "You have to unfold it of course."

"H-huh..." I unfolded the piece of paper and found his number. I felt so embarrassed. "Oh, I'm--" I was begining to tell him sorry but when I looked up he was gone. I was left there standing just wonderng where he went to...

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