Goodbye Sleepover

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Phil pov

We finally arrived in Wokingham. We're at Val's house packing. "VAL! ELIZABETH, MAKAYLA, AVERY, JORDON, OWEN, MAJ, NOAH, AND SAMANTHA ARE HERE!!!!" Val and Dan's mum yelled. "Up here!" Val yelled back. "Hey Val! What ya- OMG are you moving!?!?" one girl yelled. "Ya. Hey! Maybe we can stay here tonight and have one big sleepover!" Val suggested. "Ya we should!" We all agreed. "Oh ya! Phil thats Makayla," Val said pointing to the girl wearing a pig shirt plus she has blue-green eyes and light brown hair. "Thats Avery," she said pointing to the girl almost like Makayla but shorter and with hazel eyes. "Elizabeth," pointing to the one with dirty-blonde hair. "Owen," the boy almost like Elizabeth. "Maj," the black haired boy.(NO RACISM KAY a/n) "Noah," the boy with brown-black hair with a blonde streak in it. "Samantha," the girl with black hair and green eyes. "and Jordon," Val pointed to the ginger girl. "Hi. Im Phil." I introduced myself. "Oh so your that guy Val wouldnt stop talking about! Idk if you seen my videos but Im KaylaPiggy12! Sooo. How are ya! This sleepover will be EPIC!" Makayla said. "OH YA! Your the girl who does random vlogs and challenges. Thats how I found Val's vids but I think she found me first. And you talk bout me non-stop?" I asked. "Erm... ya." Val said blushing getting a chorus of aww's. "Ok so enough chit chat! Val lets get to the tree house!" Elizabeth said. I also been seeing Eliza and Dan looking at each other with heart-eyes. Hmm. We were in the front yard. I looked up and saw a huge tree house. Maybe bout 10 yards by 10 yards. Their tree was HUGE! "C'mere! The views better up here!" Val said. "Oh.. erm ok." I replied. "There are two ways to get up! Ladder and Rope!" Val said pointing to the ladder and rope. I decided to go for the ladder. I arrived up. wow.

Valerie pov

When Phil finally arrived up I decided to look inside. The faerie lights. The two couches. The five bean bags. The cooler. TV. Game table. The window which gives you the best view! But I noticed my hatch to go up on the roof. "Psst Phil c'mere." I whispered. Everyone was on the balcony on the back. "Hmm?" Phil asked. "Wanna get on the roof?" I asked. "How?" He replied. "This." I said unhooking the hatch releasing the rope. We climbed up the rope and Phil soon got up here after. "The best view on the tree house top. This was where I did most of my thinking. I have a secret place in the tree where I climb and look up onto the stars. Its beautiful isnt it?" I said. "Ya. How'd the others not notice this?" Phil asked. "Well usually I was the only one who went up here. Well me and Dan. He knows too. Whenever I got beat up or Dan got beat up we came up here. I havent heard from the ones who used to bully us since grade 12." I replied. "Wow. So thats why-" Phil got interrupted. "Hey you little crap! Look girls! Its Valerie! Hey where's you dumb brother! He probably left you cause you a stupid, fat, ugly idiot!" Rae's voice called. I felt the tears forming.. but Phil hugged me closer replying. "Hey! Leave them alone!" Phil said. "Leave Dan out of this!" I replied. They were soon coming towards the tree house. But before I knew it they were up here and I was pinned to a wall. "AHHHH-" I yelled getting cut off by Rae's hand. "Shut up you freak. Why'd you even try to act innocent. But I mean. You can. No one will believe you except you dumb "boyfriend."" she said putting air quotes around boyfriend. "Leave him alone!" I snapped earning a slap. For the 5th freaking time. I kept getting punches, kicks, and slaps and as I was laying on the floor I felt Rae getting taken off of me. "Val! Val its me Dan please say something!" Dan said panicking. "D-dan it really hurts." I said clutching my stomach. "Its ok lets get ya on the couch." Dan said. "Want to make a video after we checked how ya feel?" Phil said. "Mhmm." I replied. "Hey least she didnt punch the eye, mouth, or face." Phil said trying to cheer me up. "Im fine btw lets film." I said. "Hello guys. Valerie here with some special guests! Makayla, Avery, Elizabeth, Jordon, Samantha, Owen, Maj, Noah, Dan, and Phil! We are having a sleepover in a tree house." I said to my phone camera. We finished filming and headed to sleep.

YAY OK TY GUYS FOR READING THIS SO FAR SUPER HAPPY YAY YAY YA YA YA YA YA! Ok ty guys idk what else to say. Idek. Leave me suggestions for chapters and I will see u later!

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