Chapter TwentyFive.

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“You got to hand it to him, when Hiei is serious about something he really lets you know..” The team looked around them at the barley standing stadium. Thanks to Hiei and his dragon, the ring had been destroyed, along with half of the seating area.

“With this technique mastered his power is overwhelming indeed. We'll have to stay on his good side, which seems to problem for Ceraza..” Kurama replied to Yusuke, as they looked over at her. She didn't pay attention to what was said between her team. She was more focused on returning energy back into Hiei as he laid unconscious in her lap.

“Hell, he didn't even say how long he was going to hibernate. Maybe we'll be dead when he wakes up and it wont be an issue.” Yusuke said, looking down at the sleeping fire demon.

“I'm doing the best I can, but it will take time.” Ceraza spoke, glancing up at the team leader for a moment, then back down to Hiei. Her hands glowing on his forehead as she tried to transfer some of her own energy into him.

“Just don't go overboard, We may need you for the fight ahead.” Said Yusuke, looking back at the destroyed ring, Ceraza nodded.

“I've just received notices that there will be a short wait as a replacement ring is brought over. Please feel free to move around the parts of the stadium that still exist. And as always, don't forget the snack bars.” Ceraza sighed at Kotos announcement.

“But I really need to find Katsumi..”She muttered under her breath. The fact that her sister wasn't here worried her, especially seeing as Katsumi promised she would be.

“I'm going to the locker room to relax. Need to get into my fighting groove.” Just as Kuwabara started walking away, Ceraza sensed another presence.

“Older Toguro.” She growled. This alerted the team at his presence as they turned to face him.

“Not bad, You was the first to notice I was here. Does that make you strongest?” He asked her with a teasing voice, no one replied.

“Why don't you tell them the real reason you're leaving? Its because he knows that soon he will die.” He said, turning to Kuwabara.

“Hey, you got no business over here.” Kuwabara threatened, although it was obvious he was scared.

“You have improved your strength remarkable over the last few months Kuwabara, but there is still an abyss of difference separating you and I. So say the appropriate prayers, for I don't like painless endings.”

“Lucky for you, your death has been postponed. Why don't you go and enjoy your life for a while? You don't want-”

“Enough.” Ceraza cut him off, her voice sounding dangerous.

“I suggest you leave, before I become your opponent right here and now.” She spoke, not even looking at him.

“Hehehehe, Oh please do. I'd look forward to ripping you apart slowly.”

“Walk away, before I make you permanently disabled.” Older Toguro smirked at her reply.

“I know how you work Ceraza, You act like you have a heart of stone and that no weakness in you exists. But that's not true, you have a weakness.”

“Oh? And what's that?”

“It's pathetic really. You've become adapt to these human emotions; love, loyalty, kindness, the need to protect the ones you care about. ”

Ceraza remained emotionless as she looked up at him, still with Hieis head on her lap.

“You must have me confused with someone else.”

Sinful Pride ─ H I E I J A G A N S H I [MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now