Chapter 18

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Edited 31/10/2020


Jade pov

We were flying, heading straight towards the demon's castle. We slowed down when it started getting darker.

We're close... no actually, we're here. Land. Ruby instructed.

Following as instructed I got Danny's attention before dropping myself in order to land. I flapped my wings sifted my landing only creating slight cracks in the ground whereas Danny... Danny was kissing it. And he broke his nose too.

"Babe you've got to work on landing." I chuckled helping him up.

He ruffled his feathers glaring playfully at me. Still chuckling I gripped his face pulling him closer so I could kiss his nose.

"Better?" He grinned.

"Better." Humming I playfully pushed him back turning to head up the rocky path toward the castle in the distance.

Once we got there we saw how enormous the castle truly was. Made me feel like a baby staring up at a 9ft something man. I will admit that the castle looked amazing with the red glow around it.

We walked up to the door and I knocked on the Skelton knocker. The skull's mouth opened, then split in half as the door got pulled open by none other than the demon king himself. He smirked, a wicked smile at me.

I have to admit that he is really good looking. I openly thought causing Danny to growl softly at me.

Not by much... he sneered back.

I know! That's why I look this good. My good looks came from him! Ruby laughed. I mentally rolled my eyes before greeting the king.

"Hello Delis,  it's nice to meet you." I bowed. He bowed back.

"To you as well, princess." I smiled at him.

"You know what I've  come here for." He smirked nodding as he ushered us inside the castle.

"Of course I know." His smile left and his face darkened "That son of a bitch took most of my demons. Had them under his control like some fucking slaves!" Fire shot out of his hand in his fit of rage.

I wasn't expecting that which lead to my right arm getting burnt before Danny could pull me out of harm's way and into his arms. Delis stopped the fire immediately taking a breath to calm himself.

"Oh... Sorry, I really have a bad temper." I nodded already healing. Danny covered his hand in ice and set it on my arm. I sighed in relief.

"Since you're so angry at him, are you joining us?" Danny inquired eyebrow raised. I saw Delis smirk

"Hell yes." I chuckled.

"On one condition. You train your demons here just for the day. Only today, I know you have to return to your pack as soon as possible." Danny and I shared a look before we nodded.

"Lead the way."


We were standing in the back of the castle already in our demon forms and surrounded by fire. Different coloured fire.

Delis walked to the center of the flames standing in the middle of all the colours.

"The fire that glows the brightest when you pass, touch it." He instructed.

Nodding Danny and I started in different directions. I passed by green flames, not bright enough, yellow, red, orange, none of them were bright enough. However, as I passed by a flame that blended with red going to blue it glowed.

A hybrid wolf rejected. (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now