1 ༄⠀Vermilion Flowers

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Autumn ; September 22, 2016

⠀⠀⠀It was a lovely morning, and it wasn't the fact that it was the very first day of autumn; as Mikaela knew was his lover's favorite season of the year. It couldn't have been any more beautiful, for it was at its maximum beauty. With its light, cool breezes blowing gently through the neighborhood and the way it seemed to have an affect on the trees as they swayed from side-to-side as if dancing. Unattached leaves flew through the breeze, swirling once, twice and away from Mikaela's sight. He wished he could have always admired and watched the gorgeous elements the autumn season had to offer, but sadly, he had other things to attend to.

⠀⠀⠀Mikaela stood up from his place near the window, wiping the fingerprints and nose prints he might've left before closing the intimidating, tall, proud curtains— light immediately being cut off as darkness engulfed the room once more. He knew he'd have to be leaving soon because, one, he couldn't be late again for work, and two, because Yuichiro Hyakuya would complain and yell at him for doing so. Neither were positives, so it only added on to his list of why he should be taking his leave.

⠀⠀⠀Taking his cashmere beige sweater and trying to adjust his tie to look the slightest decent, the blond cleared his throat, "Goodbye, Yuu-chan, I'll see you soon!"

⠀⠀⠀Complete and utter silence.

⠀⠀⠀Mikaela sighed. Sadly, he expected nothing more than that. He would've been surprised if he was given a response— any response no matter how ridiculous. The poor raven could've thrown a shoe toward the hallway, hit the wall, break the wall, and it would've been enough to make him tear up. Oh, how he missed the olden days where said raven would stand at the doorway, fix his tie when he couldn't, kiss him three times before he finally let him go off to work. Those were the days that he longed for; each day hoping to come back from work and see the familiar, vibrant smile. It was one of Yuichiro's most beautiful features, well, that wasn't everything him.

⠀⠀⠀If he had a choice to pick between any great feature Yuichiro owned, he would've chosen his smile in under a heartbeat. It was simple, yet very bright and large and just the most gorgeous thing he has ever experienced.

⠀⠀⠀Mikaela wanted to see that same smile again, but, sadly, he wasn't going to. Not with Yuichiro locking himself up in their shared bedroom. He was counting every living, breathing, dying day he hadn't seen his lover, nor his smile. It was pathetic, he knew, but it didn't stop him. It had been approximately twenty-two days, eight hours, and forty-seven minutes since he's laid eyes on Yuichiro and his smile. He was almost able to say he hadn't seen his lover for a month. He didn't know whether to describe that as an achievement or a loss. The blond began to realize how much of a game he was creating this to be, and he began to feel guilty. It wasn't right.

⠀⠀⠀Why wasn't he doing something? It's been an excessive amount of time and he hasn't done a single thing to resolve it, nor interact with Yuichiro to try and find a way to make up with him. Was he, perhaps, waiting for the raven to emerge from the room and apologize himself?

⠀⠀⠀Mikaela massaged his temples with one hand while the other slowly pulled into his workplace. How childish could he have been. It's been such a long time that he had forgotten what they were quarreling about; he didn't even have a thought on what had even started their argument. He couldn't fathom what problems that could have sparked in their issue— finance, cheating, or were they just drifting away even though they both didn't have a clue about it? The blond got out of his car and raised his arms above his head, stretching with an unpleasant groan. For the time being, he would try and push all thoughts away.

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