Chapter 22

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"Kick it over here," Danny , waving his hands to get his son's attention.

"No, kick it back to me," Dan encouraged with a cocky smirk. They stood several feet apart from each other while Lex stood across from them. He glanced between the two adults, debating to whom to kick the soccer ball. He pulled back his foot then gave the ball a kick. The ball rolled forward, crossing the distance between Lex and his father, but it fell short of reaching the man.

"That was a good try," Danny said as he walked forward a few steps to the soccer ball. "You just need to put a little more strength into your kicks." He deftly returned the ball to his son, who practiced how to stop the ball without sending it flying off in another direction. It almost worked.

"So were you going to tell me more about what Kwan was like those last three years of high school?" Dan questioned as Lex chased after the ball.

"I thought I told you to leave him alone." Danny shot his evil future an annoyed glare. He hadn't seen Dan since the , and that fact worried him when Dan showed up suddenly to start asking about Kwan again. "What's your interest in him anyway? Because this obsessive nature you seem to be showing is reminding me an awful lot of how Vlad used to go after my mother."

"Well, I am half Vlad," Dan reminded with a roll of dark blue eyes. "How do you know what I feel for him isn't something real? You can't argue that I don't know enough about him to like him because I have your memories up until the CAT. And I can still feel an attraction to someone without knowing them. And that's the whole reason I'm asking about him. To get to know the Kwan that differs from my time."

"I'd tell you to ask him yourself, but you'd probably be a jerk about it and make him angry at you." Danny narrowed his bright blue eyes, wondering somewhere in his mind if Dan would ever grow out of his childish behavior. Or at the very least tone it down enough that he didn't anger everyone in vicinity.

"Uncle Dan!" Lex called as he kicked the ball to him. It rolled almost all the way to Dan, who returned it, somehow remembering to hold back enough not to send the ball sailing through the air and across the park.

"I'd like to point out that we got along fairly well when I visited him last Sunday," Dan said, frowning as he folded his arms over his broad chest.

"What?" Danny gasped out and gawked at his evil future. "Are you insane?" He really wondered what was wrong with Dan when he constantly did things to stir up trouble. "Did you even think before going over there?" He returned the ball his son kicked toward him with a little more strength than he meant to, and Lex had to give to it as the ball rolled toward where some other children were playing.

"I went over there to try to make things right," Dan huffed grumpily at the accusation in Danny's voice. "I apologized."

"You," Danny laughed, hardly believing those words, "apologized? And you didn't burst into flames?"

Dan sneered and mock laughed in response. "I am capable of it. I just never see any reason to apologize for my actions."

Danny raised an eyebrow, almost wondering what sort of trick his evil future was trying to play. "So what makes Kwan so special?"

Dan shrugged as he put a foot out and caught the ball that was kicked toward him. "I don't know. I just felt something when we met that day I picked up Lex from the school." He returned the ball to the boy. "At first, it was just fun teasing him. Making him squirm with a simple comment. But I was really jealous when I saw that floozy flirting with him."

"So you act like an impulsive-" Danny caught himself as he glanced toward his son who was preparing to kick the soccer ball again. "I can tell you right now that being too aggressive can be a real turn off. Don't push too hard, especially if it's something he doesn't want to talk about, or you'll just end up driving him away."

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