O(A)ppa (21-30 Chapters)[3/4]

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“Can it be?”

“What are you doing?”, ask Yunho’s mom to her husband.

“Huh???I…I..”, stutters Yunho’s dad nervously because he doesn’t know what to say.

“Did you..?”, ask Yunho’s mom but she gets interrupted by her husband.

“Aaah…too bad!! The electricity is off…”, interrupts Yunho’s dad immediately.

“Why??”, ask Yunho’s mom.

“I…I want to look for something inside the car”, lie Yunho’s dad.

“What is it??”, ask Yunho’s mom suspiciously.

“Huh??Hmm…I think I left the hospital business card inside the car..”, lie Yunho’s dad once again.

“Really??but you looked so suspicious…”, say Yunho’s mom straightly and Yunho’s dad just smiles bitterly .

“You got the flashlight on your hand..so what are you waiting for??”, say Yunho’s mom while looking at his suspicious husband.

“Huh???y..you are right…what am I waiting for??hehehe…”, laugh Yunho’s dad bitterly.

He goes to the car immediately to smoothen his lies. However, the key is not in his hands because his original intention is to turn off the electricity.

“Where is the key??”, ask Yunho’s mom when she sees her husband just watching the car’s door and does nothing.

“Aishhh..what should I say??”, murmurs Yunho’s dad lowly.

“Honey..are you okay??”, ask his wife concernedly.

“You looked so strange and suspicious..”, add his wife.

“I…I’m..”, reply Yunho’s dad nervously but the thunder comes and interrupts him..*bang*..

“Perfect!!!”, blurt Yunho’s dad as soon as he hears the thunder. The darkness and thunder are perfect for his plan to yunjae.

“Huh??perfect??”, ask Yunho’s mom confusedly because she waited for answer like “I’m fine” from her husband’s mouth so she can feel relieved but her husband’s answer is weird.

“I..I mean..I’m TOTALLY FINE..PERFECT!!!hehehehe…”, laughs Yunho’s dad bitterly to make up his bluntness .

“It’s good then..let’s come in and look for the hospital’s business card tomorrow morning..”, say Yunho’s mom and her husband nods.

Meanwhile, inside Yunjae’s room..

“Joongie..where are you?”, ask Yunho when he gets out of the bathroom. He was taking bath when the electricity was off. He gets out of the bathroom immediately because he knows that Jaejoong is afraid of darkness and thunder.

No response from Jaejoong because he is shaking under the blanket.

“Joongie..”, call Yunho once again while looking for Jaejoong in the dark.

“O..oppa…”, call Jaejoong weakly under the blanket.

Yunho hears Jaejoong’s low voice. Therefore, he walks slowly to the bed and finds Jaejoong’s shaking body when he reaches the bed. Yunho opens the blanket and hugs the shaking Jaejoong immediately.

“I’m here Joongie..don’t be afraid..”, say Yunho sweetly. Jaejoong hugs Yunho back and buries himself as deep as he could inside Yunho’s embrace.

“Joongie..how can I leave you if you were like this??”, say Yunho inside his heart sadly while stroking Jaejoong’s hair.

“Who would protect you and the baby for the next two weeks??”, add Yunho with teary eyes. He loves his Joongie so much. Imagining Jaejoong encountered the darkness and thunder alone breaks his heart.

O(A)ppa (21-30 Chapters)[3/4]Where stories live. Discover now