Chapter 15

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Togami sat with his fingers hovering over the piano keys, not sure if he could even play. Before he could get himself to try however, he felt two arms wrap around his middle and a kiss on the cheek. "Hello, Naegi." He whispered with a chuckle, already knowing it was him. He heard Naegi giggle, and the boy buried his face in the crook of his neck. "So? Was that worth skipping breakfast for?" He asked, and the brunette shrugged. "Eh, it was boring, but I guess I don't have to worry about it anymore. I also talked with Kyouko, um... She found those weapons in my room, so she's getting suspicious again." Byakuya hummed and turned in his seat to face him, bringing him closer. "Don't you worry about her. Even if she does expose you, you'll still have me. No matter what happens, you'll always have me." The blonde gave him a light kiss on the nose, and Makoto smiled gently at him. "Thank you, Byakuya."

Naegi sat down next to him at the piano, observing the keys. He was starting to remember a few of them... "Do you remember how to play?" The brunette asked, and the boy next to him shrugged. "I think I remember a little bit, not much though... If they had a viola around here I could play that, as that's what I played in school, but I don't think there is..."

"Yeah, same here... But we can try, right?" He wasn't going to let a bit of uncertainty ruin his 'date'.

"Right. I suppose we should start with something simple, do you remember The London Bridge Is Falling Down?"

"I think so. Alright, so I'll play it on the lower keys, you play on the higher keys, and we'll see how it sounds!"

It didn't sound too horrible, though both of them had messed up a few times here and there. It felt like it'd been years... Either way, it was fun, as good or bad as it may have sounded. Their hands kept bumping into one another, and most of the time they were too busy laughing and giggling at the others mistakes to play it right. Eventually they managed to get through the whole thing without error, not that either of them cared much. "Do you think there's any sheet music around here?" Makoto asked, glancing around the room.

"I don't know, it seems there isn't anything in here but perhaps there's a music book in the library?"

"Yeah, maybe." He sighed in contentment and leaned on his partner. "....Let's not go look for that right now, though." He'd rather just stay here, and maybe listen to Togami play for a while. That sounded nice... "Hey, do you think you could play something for me?"

"Hm? I could hardly play London Bridge without screwing up, I don't know how you expect me to play another. But...." He once again placed his fingers over the keys. "I'll try, if that's what you want. What would you like to hear?"

"Anything is fine, really, it doesn't even have to be a song. Or if you don't want to play the piano, I'd like to hear you sing, even if it's just a little."

"You want to hear me sing?" Togami raised an eyebrow at that. He found it hard to believe he would sound good singing, in fact even when he was alone he rarely sang, and when he did it was usually along to the radio so he couldn't really hear himself.

The brunette nodded. "Mhm, I mean your talking voice is already enjoyable to listen to as it is, I'm sure your singing voice is lovely." Byakuya's cheeks tinted pink at the word 'lovely', pulling away from the piano. He always did know what to say to make him blush, didn't he...

"Alright, alright...." He took a deep breath. Honestly, he shouldn't be so nervous, it was just his boyfriend after all... After a few seconds he finally managed to start, and he got out the first few lines of a catchy pop song he'd heard on the radio a while back. He was surprised he even remembered the words, it had to have been at least a year ago. Makoto closed his eyes and smiled as he listened, making circles with his thumb on the back of the blondes hand. He could tell that he was embarrassed, but he wanted him to become more comfortable with these kinds of things. Normal things that he probably didn't get to do, considering his (probably) busy before Hopes Peak. He had been right in that his voice was, well, music to his ears, and he got that fuzzy feeling in his chest again. A feeling somewhere along the lines of satisfaction and joy, though that couldn't even begin to describe it. "See? I told you you'd sound great!" He hummed cheerfully when he had finished, and Togami crossed his arms.

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