Blake and The Mean Girls Trio

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Surprise Update! Because I love you guys so much.

Just to clear it

Adelaide :- daughter of Luke Hemmings and Adeline parker Hemmings.

Blake :- son of Zoe and Ed. One year older to Adelaide.

Nora :- Donna's niece. Same age as Adelaide.

Hope you like the chapter x

First came in Julie Andersen who was our neighbour and worked in advertising. Then came in Emma and her new boyfriend, George. Then came in Catherine who I went on an outing with. Catherine both two of her friends. My breath hitched and anger boiled in me when I saw Reece step in. I don't know why Adeline was friends with that douchebag.

Then followed by Donna who entered like a fashionista he was and a few of Adeline's Designer friends.

"Hello hello! Pull up the curtains, the start clicking pictures while you have time, Donna, is here", Donna said and we all laughed and looked at Adelaide. "Look at this pretty girl. She is so grown up since I last saw her. She is like Adeline. I've got my niece for your daughter"

Donna brought his niece who was a cute little girl called Nora who was of Adelaide's age.

"Go talk to Nora", Michael said. And Adelaide ignored Michael while still looking at the door.

"Is Blake here?", She asked. For the millionth time.

"Nope", Michael said.

"But he should've been here", She pouted and pick on her nails.

"Yeap", Michael said.

"Is Mom going to reach home?", She wondered.

"Yeap", Michael said.

"And so many people have come to the house except-- ", She said.

"Stop talking, Adelaide", Michael said.

"Yeap", She mimicked him and they both laughed.

"Your humour is just like me. You make me proud Ade", Michael boasted while he shared his packet of skittles with Adelaide.

"That's nothing to be proud of, Michael", I muttered as he handed her m&ms.

"Don't give her more chocolates", I said as I took the chocolates from her. "She needs to sleep at night"

"What? What sleep? Mom is coming. I thought we mlended bed time ruled for that", She pouted as she stated that.

"It's already past your bed time lady, I don't want to you to--", I started saying when the door swung open and cheers were heard by everyone.

"Look whose here", Zoe declared. She walked inside and Ed came in too. He smiled at them as everyone greeted each other. Followed came Blake. He was dressed up in jeans and t shirt and was bright red and was looking down at his shoes when he walked in.

"Blake!", Adelaide, my over - excited daughter cheered as she ran to him.

"Mommy!", He stepped behind Zoe and caught the end of her dress.

Adelaide ran to him and even in the position of him hiding behind Zoe, she managed for give him a tight hug.

"You should be aware of Blake", Michael muttered.

"More like Blake should be aware of our princess", Calum said slowly and we laughed.

"Where is your second one?", Donna asked as he played with the buttons of his coat and asked to Zoe.

"Her name is Irene, by the way", She mocked Donna. "You'd know that if you kept in touch with me"

"Ah darling! Please don't be mad", Donna pleaded and gave a hug to Zoe and Zoe laughed.

"Mommy, ask her to leave me alone", Blake cried as he looked at Adelaide.

"Never!", She chirped and smiled.

"Don't act rude, son!", Ed ruffled his hair and said. "Go play with her. She is so sweet."

"Oh thank you", Adelaide smiled. "So is blake. If you may alwow me to take him to show him my toys and games"

"So charming", Emma said cooed. "Nora why don't you go along with them"

Adelaide tug on Blake's arms and took him to the room where all her games were. Nora followed Emma's instruction and followed them.

Adelaide was very happy to see Blake. While Blake, not so much. Adelaide was sociable and chirpy. Blake was quiet.

"You want to see what I made for my mom?", Adelaide asked Blake.

"Can I play too?", Nora politely asked.

"I um--", Adelaide wanted to be friends with Nora but not when she had Blake to meet.

"Yes you can", Blake said. Suddenly his voice became authoritative. He looked at Nora and then looked back at Adelaide.

"But--", Adelaide set down her magazine for Adeline and then, looked over to Nora.

"I'll only see, if Nora gets to see", Blake ordered. "Is that what you want Adelaide?"

Nora, gaining power, now smirked at Adelaide the facade of being shy gone.

"I-i think-k it's my-y bed time. I better go", Adelaide fought tears as she picked up and set her books back in the place.

"You don't have to go", Blake said politely. It was almost like a plea.

"Forgwet it", Adelaide muttered. "You can play with my toys if you want. Just put the lid back in after you go"

"Good night, Ade", Nora chirped and gave Adelaide a tight hug. "Maybe next time we can meet when it's not you--"

"Sure", Adelaide muttered as she started walking away.

"Wait", Blake said. Adelaide felt happy. Maybe he changed his mind and didn't keep the condition for Nora to play too. "Do you really want to sleep. Your mom isnt--"

"Oh. I've waited lwong anyway. I'll meet her in the morning", Adelaide said.

As Adelaide came downstairs, she was already too emotionally tired to talk to anyone. All she wanted was to play with Blake, her best friend. She went in her room and removed her tiara and shoes and slept without changing from the frock.

"You going to sleep, princess?", I asked.

"Yes daddy", She smiled. "Promise me you'll wake me up when mom comes"

"Are you feeling sick?", I asked as I held up her pyjama pants.

"No. Just a bwit tired", She yawned. "Promise me you'll wake me up when she comes"

"Promise, princess, I'll wake you up..", I said while switching the lights off and walking downstairs. "If she comes"

"She will, papa", She said faintly and fell asleep.

"Luke?", Julie, our neighbour came inside Adelaide's room. "There are some new guests for you. I'll stay with her. You can greet them"

"Who?", I said as I got up from the bed.

"Laura and..", She tried to recall and said. "Laura, Tanya and Arzaylea"


Also, Blake.. why you do this? What do you think about them? What about Nora? Are you crying as well?

And.. yeah. I'm not purposely dragging Adeline's entry. I swear. Pfft. I just miss her so much.

Can this chapter get 30 comments. That will be swell.

Also, remember that you are the best xo

All the love,

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