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hello guys i am extremly  sorry i went india and i was so tired and exausted but now i will give u update on time  thank you guys  i met parth in mumbai my dream come true finally now iam here in spain i m missing india but its ok life must go on as show must go on. :)

 parth is happy by hearing that niti will be  staying here with them  till abhi comes so he can have time to spent with her and they will know eachother more .otherside  niti was happy and nervous as well that she will be  staying here  at ayaz and parth and mukti as she thought taht how she easily fall in love so soon

ayaz and veebha went thiers room for sleep and parth and niti aswell went their room but whole night parth and niti couldnt sleep they are seeing flash back the way they kissed and the way parth hold niti  then morning starts.....

parth roaming in his room and otherside niti took shower and came back in her room  parth wants  see niti then  he just pass by her room and door was opened as soon as parth passed he saw her in wet hair and wrapping  bath rob she lokking so hott he saying in his mind her milky skin and her long hair so attractiv and her leg r so tiny ohh god what m thinking he just couldnt controll and went near her and stand behind hershe combing her hair and  suddnely she scream parth wrapped her mouth suddden ......... aage ka i mean next  what will happen ? if uwant know then keep voting i will post soon whole part .............. thank u 

 i hope u guys will vote my story if  i will not get votes i just wind up story asap becz if nonne  will like then its not worth it to wrrite story i m writting for  you  please ignore my spelling mistakes hope u can understand

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