Chapter Three: Leave Me Alone

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        This party is so boring, and it's just my first one here. I don't understand how a party can be so boring as this one is. I've been to better one's where I use to live, in Texas, now they knew how to party. I'm only here because some guys I was talking to in class were telling me about it and said that I should come, that a nice looking guy like me could get some 'real ass.' As if, I'm not looking for a one night stand, I'm not into that stuff.

        I was walking around, sipping on my beer, wishing to just get drunk off my ass already. Then maybe, just maybe I'll be able to forget about that girl. I still don't know her name, I've seen her twice today, and have yet to be able to really talk to her. As long as he is around her, we'll never be able to talk.

        I still can't believe the way he was treating her, and she wasn't doing anything about it, just taking it. It's wrong, no girl should have to be treated like that. If she was my girl, I would never treat her like shit, like she's less than me, because she's not, we're equals. And she should be treated like that, but she's not going to as long as she's with him, I can tell you that.

        But of course she's not mine, and I have little say in the matter. Yet at the same time, she deserves better than that asshole. Maybe if I could talk to her without that guy, Logan, around, I could try to get her to understand that she shouldn't stay with him, but he always seems to be around. I started walking to the back door, I needed some air.

        When I got outside there was no one from what I could see out here, but then I looked off to the side and saw her, the girl that's been on my mind all day. Looking around once more to see if Logan was around, I couldn't see him. This was my one chance to talk to her without him. And maybe, just maybe, talk some sense into her.

        She was wearing a black skin tight dress, I could see all of her curves. She was such a beautiful girl. I walked over to her and softly placed my hand on her shoulder, causing her to jump and spin around to look at me.

        She was just staring at me, shocked, and maybe a little scared. I couldn't understand why she would be scared. It's not like I would hurt her, unlike that guy she's with.

        'Why isn't she talking to me,' I wondered.

        I started first, smiling, "What, cat got your tongue?" I softly chuckled. "Here, let me help. You start with hi."

        She just stood there, looking at me, confused at what I had said, like she hadn't heard me. I was about to repeat myself when her eyes got wide and she looked around like she was scared of something. "You can't be talking to me. Logan will be so mad if he sees you with me. And I've done enough today, I don't want to get him even madder."

        I looked around, not seeing Logan anywhere. "I don't see him, so I'm sure it's safe to talk." I looked back at her, only to see her still looking around. "Hey, it's okay, the last time I saw him, he was inside rubbing up against some girl." The look on her face just dropped.

        "Oh." Was all she said. I felt bad, but by the look of it, it's not the first time its happened.

        "Hey, do you want a drink? I can get you one." I asked, trying to get her mind off of that guy. She just shook her head.

        "No thanks, I don't drink." She looked away, back towards the house, sighing. "But Logan does, he loves to drink, he does often. He has a bit of a problem, but it's fine, he deserves to have fun and let loose."

        I felt sorry for her, she shouldn't have to deal with that, with him. But there's nothing I can do about that, but to help her get her mind off of that guy, help her have some fun of her own.

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