Phoenix Drop - 1

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Things you need to know:
(None of these have to be your real features, you can make it up)

(F/N) - First Name
(H/C) - Hair Colour
(H/L) - Hair Length
(E/C) - Eye Colour
(S/T/C) - Sword Type + Colour
(F/C) - Favourite Colour
(S/F/C) - Second Favourite Colour
(R/C) - Random Colour
(C/W) - Cat or Wolf
(P/N) - Pet Name
(R/S) - Random Show
(F/A) - Favourite Anime
(F/D) - Favourite Drink
(F/H/F) - Favourite Hot Food
(F/F) - Favourite Food

~Time Skips~


Your Backstory:

You once lived peacefully in a small village called Moonlight Village, located in a forest. But one day you were separated from your family and friends when war started in your village.
You have been camping in a tent with your pet C/W, P/N for about a month now and you decided that it's time to approach a nearby village.

Your Power's and Personality:

You are a magiks user, and a Shadowknight. You are also very powerful and immortal. The Shadowknight you believes that you are better than everyone else and gets angry at anyone who can make you show emotions. But the you, you is kind and caring, but also mysterious.
Overall you're an OP badass, that can be mysterious, but kind and caring once people get to know you.


Your POV

Right, today's the day that I approach that village over there, and ask to live there. I think to myself, pointing at the nearby village through the trees. I walk into my tent, closing the hatch behind me. I open my (F/C) rucksack and take out a change of clothes. I get changed into a striped (F/C) and (S/F/C) long sleeved top, with a sleeveless R/C hoodie, a F/C mask, black leggings, and black ankle boots. I then take out a small golden comb from my bag and start to brush my H/L, H/C hair, doing my best to avoid my R/C, C/W ears. I put my hair in a ponytail (depending on length) and put away my comb. I put away my blanket, pillow, and everything else inside the tent into my rucksack. I then look down at my pet (C/W), (P/N) and say "We're going to try and get in that village today, (P/N)." I then pick up (P/N) and put him/her in my rucksack. I pick up my (F/C) rucksack and put it on my back. I walk out of my (R/C) tent and start to take it down, once it's down I stuff it in a pocket on the side of my rucksack and start to head out of the woods and towards the nearby village.

I walk up to the closed gates and look up at the guard in charge of the gates. "Who's there?" Shouts the guard. "I'm (F/N), and I am a resident from Moonlight Village." I shout back. "Moonlight Village? But that place was attacked about a month ago, it doesn't exist anymore." He shouts. "Doesn't exist?" I mumble to myself, tears starting to run down my face. "Let her in!" Shouts a feminine voice from inside. I look over to the gates and on the other side I see a girl with long black hair and hazel eyes. "But-" "I said let her in Dante!" The girl shouts again. "Okay, Lady Aphmau." He shouts. He opens the gates and the girl walks over to me. "Hey there, there's no need to cry." She says, wiping away my tears. "But *sniff* he just said that my home no longer exists." I say starting to cry again. "I know, and I'm truly sorry for that. But just because the village is gone, that doesn't mean that the people who lived there are gone, now does it?" She says. "No." I reply, wiping away my tears. "Who are you?" I ask her. "I'm Aphmau and I'm the Lord of this village, Phoenix Drop. May I ask who you are?" Asks Aphmau. "I'm (F/N) and I was a resident of Moonlight Village." I reply to her. "Nice to meet you (F/N). Would you like to come inside?" She says, putting her arm around me. You nod and you both head through the gates and into Phoenix Drop.

"So (F/N) are you planning to stay in Phoenix Drop?" Asks Aphmau. "Yeah, can I?" I ask her back. "Of course you can. We actually have a spare house right now. It's a F/C and white house, it has 3 bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room, a kitchen and a spare room. Would you like to stay there?" Says Aphmau. "I'd love to." I say happily. "Great, then I'll take you there now." She says with a genuine smile on her face.

~Time Skip~

"I live in the house up on the hill, over there if you need anything." Says Aphmau, pointing up at her house. I nod and walk into my new house, closing the F/C door behind me.

I walk upstairs and walk into the first room on the left. It was a large room with white walls and a dark blue carpet. It had 3 beds with blue covers, and a white wardrobe with blue details. This seems like it could be used as a guest bedroom.

I then walk into the second room on the left. It was another large room with white walls but it had a light green carpet rather than a dark blue carpet. It also had 3 beds but they had pastel green covers, and a white wardrobe with pastel green details. This could be used as a guest bedroom too.

I then walk into the first room on the right, it was different from the other two, it wasn't a bedroom it must have been the spare room. It had R/C walls and a R/C carpet. Although it was a spare room it still had furniture in it. It had a big long S/F/C couch that ran along the back wall. There was a large bookcase in one corner of the room and a bunch of instruments in another corner. I guess I can just come in here to relax.

I then walk into the second room on the right. It was the last of the rooms upstairs and also the biggest. The walls were a striped pattern with pastel colours, and a fluffy R/C carpet. It had a king sized bed with a F/C cover, and a white wardrobe with F/C details. It also had a white desk with a large round golden mirror above it. There was a small F/C stool under the desk. This is definitely my room.

I walk over to the bed and drop my rucksack on it. I fall onto the bed and lie there looking up at the ceiling. "We're here now, (P/N)." I say, pulling my rucksack towards me. "Really!" Shouts (P/N), excitedly. He/She jumps out of my rucksack and jumps on top of me. I cuddle him/her and he/she smiles at you. *Grumble* "Was that you (P/N)?" I ask (P/N). He/She nods at me and jumps off of the bed, then runs over to the door. "Okay, I'll go see what there is downstairs, and you can come with me." I say looking at (P/N) and walking over to the door and downstairs.

I walk into the kitchen and start looking through the cupboards for pet food. I find some pet food in the third cupboard that I look in. I put it in the (R/C) pet bowl on the floor and (P/N) runs over to it and starts to eat. "I'll be in the living room if you need me." I say to (P/N). I go into the living room and sit on the fluffy (S/F/C) couch. I turn on the TV and start watching (R/S).

~A Few Hours Later~

*Knock, knock, knock!* I hear a knock at the door, so I get off the couch and walk over to the front door. I open the door and see...

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