Laurance - 2

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A boy with light brown hair and light blue eyes. He's cute! I think to myself. He was wearing a light blue top with green details, a white hoodie, and dark green jeans. "Hey there...beautiful! I'm Laurance, it's nice to meet you..." Says the boy, checking you out. "Hi Larance. I'm F/N....It's nice to meet you too.....Why are you here?" I ask him, slightly confused at why such a cute boy came to visit me. "Oh, well I'm here because Aph held a meeting with all of the guards, and said that you had moved here and that we should be nice to you. So I thought I'd pay you a visit and get to know you." explains Laurance. "If that's the case then would you like to come inside?" I ask him. "Sure!" says Laurance, excitedly.

I let him in and close the door behind him. I walk into the living room and offer him a seat on the blue couch and he sits down. "Would you like a drink?" I ask him. "No thanks." Replies Laurance. I nod as in to say okay, and take a seat on the other couch, a white one. "'re a guard?" I ask awkwardly. "Yeah! How did you know?" Asks Laurance. "You said that Aphmau held a meeting with all of the guards and that you were there..." I say, giggling a bit. "Oh right, I forgot about that. Haha!" He says laughing a bit at the end.

There's an awkward silence for a bit, then I break the silence by saying "......You don't look like a guard." "Is that supposed to be offensive?" Asks Laurance, pouting a little. "! Well it wasn't supposed to be, I'm sorry if I offended you!" I say, hoping that I haven't offended him. "Nah, it's okay you didn't. I just wanted to make you think that you did." Says Laurance, chuckling. "W...why would you want that!?" I ask, angrily. "Cos I wanted to see if you were just as cute when you were angry or sad." He says, smirking at you. "C...Cute!?" I ask, starting to blush. But luckily he doesn't see since I have my hoodie and mask on and they cover my face. "You're even cuter when you're embarrassed." He says, smirking at you again. "How do you even know that!? ...I mean....... I'm not embarrassed!" I say angrily. "A handsome guy just said that you were cute. It's alright to be embarrassed." He says, chuckling.

"I...I am NOT embarrassed!" I shout at him, jumping off the couch and getting even angrier. Your eyes start to flicker from (E/C) to red, then red particles start to form around you. You're slowly turning into your Shadowknight form. "Wow! (F/N) calm down!" Shouts Laurance. "CALM DOWN!? YOU MADE FUN OF ME! I CANNOT JUST 'CALM DOWN'!" Shouts the Shadowknight me. "Please just calm down, I'm sorry, I truly am, I didn't mean to upset you!" Shouts Laurance. "DIDN'T MEAN TO UPSET ME!? YOU MADE ME BLUSH! SUCH A PUNY HUMAN SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO MAKE ME BLUSH! OR TURN INTO MY SHADOWKNIGHT FORM!" Screams the Shadowknight me. Laurance jumps off the couch. He walks over to me and wraps his arms around my back. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Shouts the Shadowknight me. The Shadowknight me slowly starts to dissappear. "I'm hugging you, to comfort you." explains Laurance. And with that I was back to my normal self.

"I....I'm....sorry..." I say as tears start to form in my eyes. "It's okay (F/N)" Says Laurance. "But it's not. I barely know you and I got angry at you, when all you did was make me blush." I say sobbing. Tears start to soak through my mask, roll down my face, and then finally land on Laurance's shoulder. "There's no need to cry." Says Laurance, comfortably. I pull away and try to wipe away my tears. Although I wipe away my tears my face is still wet because my mask soaked in half of the tears and was soaking wet.

"You're never gonna dry up if you keep that mask on." Says Laurance. He walks up to me and puts his hands out to take the mask off but I back away. "I can't take it off." I say, looking away from Laurance. "Of course you can." He says walking towards you again. "I can't! If I do then...then...Zane might find me!" I shout at him, starting to get upset. ".....Z....Zane?" Says Laurance. He looks down at his feet. "Yes Zane! He's the one who destroyed my village, he did get to me...He.....tortured me....for years.....He used to keep me in a cage....and stand outside it with food and water....but he would make me beg for hours.....just for one piece of mouldy old bread and stagnant water...He..." I stop and start to cry. A. Lot.

Laurance walks over to me and wraps his arms around me once again. But this time I don't let him. I push him away and fall to the floor. "(F/N)..." Says Laurance. "St...stay...away...I don't want!" I shout at him. My eyes start to flicker from E/C to red, then red particles start to form around me. I'm changing into my Shadowknight form, again. Laurance notices and kneels in front of me. "I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I shout, only half in my Shadowknight form. He doesn't listen. Instead he gives me a sad smile and leans towards me and hugs me. "I SAID STAY AWAY FROM ME!" Shouts the Shadowknight me. The Shadowknight me pushes Laurance to the ground and holds her sword up to his neck. She makes a cut on his neck and is about to kill him when tears start to roll down her face and she stops. "WHAT IS THIS!?" Screams the Shadowknight me. "HOW IS SHE STILL HERE!? SHE SHOULD NOT BE HERE WHEN I AM!" She screams. I start to take over, and the Shadowknight me starts to dissappear. U change back into your normal self. But I'm so tired from fighting with my Shadowknight form that I collapse.

Laurance's POV

The Shadowknight (F/N) starts to dissappear and the normal (F/N) starts to come back. As soon as she changes back to herself she collapses, on me! I was still laying on the floor from when Shadowknight (F/N) tried to kill me. And now (F/N) was laying on top of me! *Knock, knock, knock!* "*F/N)! I brought some of my friends with me to come meet you!" I hear Aph shout. "Shoot Aph is here!" I say. "Laurance is that you!?" Shouts Aph. Darn it did I say that out loud? "(F/N) I'm coming in!" Shouts Aph. She opens the door and walks in. "L...Laurance! What are you doing to (F/N)!" Shouts Aph. "I'm not doing anything! She fell on me!" I shout at her, a bit annoyed with her for accusing me of 'doing something' to (F/N). "Likely story Laurance." Chuckles Garroth. "Garroth!? When did you get here!?" I scream at Garroth. "He was always here." says Dante. "Dante!? Who else is here!?" I ask. "I think you should be asking 'who isn't here?'" Says Arron. "You're here too!?" I scream. "So Laurance how did you get this girl to fall for you?" Chuckles Travis. "Ugh! Can someone please just get her off me." I say. "Nah!" Chuckles everyone. "Ugh!" I groan as I begin to laugh.

Too Many Guy's? - Reader X Laurance, Aaron, Travis, Garroth, Zane, DanteWhere stories live. Discover now