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Reed drops me off out front and then parks the car. I run inside and get on the elevator. The doors open and I rush to where everyone was waiting.

"Where is she? Is she okay? How bad is it?" I ask Ryder. I don't know If he understood me though. I'm talking really fast.

"Riley, calm down." Ryder says putting his hand on my shoulder. "She's in surgery right now. She has a lot of broken bones and she hit her head really hard. She has some internal damage. She has some glass pretty deap so they are going to get as much of it as they can."

"How did this happen?"

"She was hit by a person texting and driving." Ryder hugs me and I cried. I saw Reed come out of the elevator and walk over here. I was still hugging Ryder and crying.

"Where's my dad and sister?" Reed asks Ryder.

"On their way. They where on their way to her basketball thing in California so it might be a while."

"I forgot about that." We all sit down and Reed and I sit on the couch. I was laying on him the whole time and he rubbed my back.

*6 hours later. 3:00pm*

"Riles." Reed says waking me up. I open my eyes and notice everyone getting up. "She's out of surgery and awake. We can go see her now."

"Do you think she wants to see me?"

"Of course she does." Reed kisses my head and we stand up. I grab Reeds hand and our fingers intertwine. We all walk back to her room. She looked like it really hurt.

"Hi mom." I say walking up to the side of her bed.

"I'm. Sorry. About. Yesterday."

"It's okay mom."

Everyone one was in her room for a few more hours and Ryder, Mackenzie, Reed and I had to go home because she didn't want us staying. Ryder didn't want to go home so he stayed. I wanted to sleep in my own bed so I'm gonna go home. "I'll see you tomorrow mom." I kissed her forehead and walked out to the waiting room to wait for Reed. I still don't know why she was out that early. Why did she apologize? She never does that. Maybe it's the drugs. I just don't get anything. I started crying. I felt arms rap around me and he put his head on mine.

"She's gonna be okay." We stood there for a minute and he just let me cry. I finally stop and we go to the elevator. "You want me to stay with you tonight?"

"Actually Jackie said she would come over and stay with me tonight. I will be okay."

We had my car so Reed drove tell we got to his house.

"Call me when you get home." Reed says

"Ok." He leans down to my window and kisses me.

"I love you."

"I love you to."

I back out of his driveway and drive home. As I pull into my garage Jackie texted me that she was almost at my house. "Where have you been young lady?!" My dad says coming into the garage. "And where is your brother?" Great, no one told him.

"You didn't hear?" I say getting out of my car.

"Hear about what?"

"Moms in the hospital."

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. Is she ok? What happened?"

"She was hit by a person texting. It's pretty bad. She was in a lot of surgery today. Ryder is staying down there over night."

"Okay. I will call your school in the morning. Are you okay?"

"Not really. Her and I had a big fight before this and then she apologized when I went and saw her. I don't know if its because she's on a lot of medicine or the impact made her realize she was getting worked up over nothing."

"Wait, what did she apologize for?"

"I don't really want to talk about it right now." My phone buzzes and Jackie said she's here. "Jackie's here"


"Cause she's gonna stay with me tonight. I don't want to be alone."

"I'm here."

"Dad, it's different."

"I know. I'm gonna go out now that I know you two are okay."

"Where you going?"

"Out with a friend."

"Sure." He kisses my head and gets in his truck.

"You sure I can leave?"

"I will be fine dad."

I go let Jackie in and we stay up pretty late talking. I texted Reed when I was talking to my dad letting him know I was home but I couldn't call.

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