Chapter 3- Kyle Holt (Gawaine's POV)

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I nearly killed the kid. He startled me - somehow, he had been able to get close without me noticing, and I nearly peed my pants.

Desperately fighting my instinct to attack, I looked over-

And of course. Of course it was Kyle.

I took a moment to calm my nerves and replied. "Oh, um, if you're done, then give it to me."

His paper was still perfectly flat, unlike most of the others' papers, by the looks of them. I couldn't help but smile, despite the fact that I was hyped up on adrenaline.

Without meaning to, I glanced toward Samnex. He was halfway out of his seat, looking frustrated. I hadn't even heard his chair move. He must have been trying to sneak up on me. Or maybe I was just super paranoid. Or both. Probably both.

Looking back down at Kyle's paper, I immediately noticed that, yet again, the clan of magic he belonged to wasn't noted. I would ask him about that later. I smiled, though, when I saw the three favorite types he chose. "Ah, animi (animal), shapeshift, and light magic. My personal favorites as well. Unfortunately, animi and shapeshift spells are a bit advanced - too advanced - for the first class, but I think we can fit in a light spell today.

I turned to the rest of the class. "How does that sound?"



"A spell on the first day? Great!"

"How about the firework spell?"

Startled, I looked at Kyle, who (of course) was the one who suggested that. "That's exactly what I was thinking."

Hmm. No mention of a clan... Or parents.

Could he be...?

"Kyle, stay with me. Everyone else, head outside.I'll be there in a second."

All the other students filed out the door, leaving their papers on their desks in varying states of disorder. Samnex, after glancing towards Kyle and I with narrowed eyes, followed. I let out a breath when he left.

"You don't trust him." There was no questioning in Kyle's tone. He wasn't asking. He knew.

"No, I don't." No point in denying it.

He nodded. "To tell you the truth, neither do I. He's never been at this school before now, and the way he was watching you..."

Well. Apparently a) I'm not just paranoid and b) Kyle actually noticed. More evidence to support my thought...

"Besides, I don't want to be rude, but what kind of name is Samnex? Sounds like his name is scrambled up."

I stared at him. "That's because it is," I was startled into saying.

"It's scrambled? So what's-"

I stopped him. "Don't ask. Please." I shook my head. "I'll explain more later. But... we will need to talk. Can you stay after school today?"

"Yeah, sure." He seemed confused- well, no. He was confused. But thankfully he stayed silent.

"Now we should go outside," I said, "before the others try to do the spell themselves and end up destroying something."


When we finally got outside, the rest of the class was talking to reach other, but stopped as they noticed me.

Trying to ignore the gold-eyed glare...

Deep breath.

"Okay, class," I began.

"It's time to start."

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