The hospital told my dad Bob that something was wrong with me they weren't able to take an ex Ray because of too much electricity in my body because of the asylum. In the car my dad Bob asked me for answers I didn't want to tell him but I had to Sarah said he deserved the truth so I did I told him everything.
The ghosts about Sarah and jo. He got scared and put me in rehab for a year.i was then put in an orphanage. Do you know how sad it is not having a family knowing ur mom and dad didn't want you from the beginning cause they thought you were a creep a weirdo a psychopathic strange monster it's not fun ok not at all.
The women who gave me food everyday was mean old. I didn't like her I was so mad I killed her they then put me in the lock down cells I have food one day a month and have no contact to anyone or anything only Sarah and jo.
They'll regret things they'll regret everything they ever did to me and to Sarah and jo because
You regret ur past life as they say cause no one knows if they'll live another day~Lauren
Adventureits reality its about a girl trying to understand why she is different