~Chapter 1~

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Selena's P.O.V
As i walked up the stairway on the bleachers at their first football game, I saw my only friend sitting there with a small perfect flyer.
She turned towards me and smiled.
" you ready for the big game?"
"Yeah! I mean, I'm a little nervous but I know their gonna do their best.." I stopped when A  boy came up from behind me and lifted me about a foot off the ground.
"AHH!" I yelled dramatically.
"It's just me sis." He smiled.
"Don't scare me like that Josh!" I yelled at my brother but we were both laughing.

"Where are all your friends?" He asked.
"Josh.. I.. Um.. Don't have any except Maya. Remember?" I whispered.
"Oh... Well why don't you go out to a high school party, meet some new people. Come on! There's one tomorrow! Tomorrows a Friday!"

I thought about it for a bit.
Bad things could happen if I drink.
But I will meet new people...

"You know what? I wanna go! What do I wear?" I ask.
"We will.... Go through Tanya's dresses. Just thinking of her made me wanna cry.

My older sister Tanya died at 18 at a high school party. She overdosed on heroine. It's been really hard on my mom. And the whole family.

"Umm... O-okay.." I stuttered,
"Sorry sis." He said and turned around and ran to his group of friends.

"How is it that my brother is popular, but I'm not?" I asked Maya.
"I don't know... People just assume that were nerds and nothing more.. Personally, It makes me sick to think about it."

Just then I looked at the field where the cheerleaders were and I saw my biggest crush. Harry. He is a HUGE jerk and doesn't care about girls well-being. I pretty sure he has this huge crush on the head cheerleader Adrieann'e
Which is so, very wrong. But who am I to say he can't love her?

I see him with all his gear on with in pearly white writing on the back of his jersey, states," Styles."
It's kinda weird to think about it, but some day I honestly want to be Ms. Selena Styles. But sadly that obviously never gonna happen...

"Harry! We can't wait for the game!" Two blonde cheerleading girls said in unison. They walked up to him and one got on each side of him. I sigh. My smile instantly vanishing.
Maya is still silent.
"Anything wrong em?" I ask her.
"Yea..." A tear flows down her face starting at the corner of her eyes, dropping at her cheekbone.
"I got dumped by James. He was the most amazing guy any girl could ask for, but he just said we n-n- needed a break and left with a girl in his c-car." She stuttered.
"OMigod! Maya, I'm sorry... You didn't have to come..."

"No!" She cut me off.
"I need someone better then him. I don't want to waste my time crying over a useless guy who broke up with me and hasn't talked to me since and to add on to it he had a girl in his car with a crop top and bootie shorts in the passenger seat the whole time. I'm not the loser.... He is." She added.

"Speech" I said. And she giggled.

We got interrupted by the huge buzzer going off meaning the game has started.
I left maya sitting as I ran up front where the coaches were. "Am I aloud to cheer from here?" I ask the cheer coach.

"Course, honey." She said and pointed to where i could sit.

1 hour passed and the score is 10-25. We're up by 15. I want to cheer for Harry so bad but.... Oh what the hell.
I say as I stand up and start yelling his name.

"Go Harry!!! Take that ball away!" I yell on top of my lungs.
All the cheerleaders slightly turn around and give me a dirty look. I've had enough of there bullcrap. I give them a dirty look back. "What are you looking at?" Adrieann'e asked. I was kinda mad. I let my German get to me. "That ugly thing right there" I point to her face. "Um-" she started but I cut her off," oh! My bad sir! That's  your face... Maybe you need to get that looked at by a doctor."I pull out my dads Doctor card, <I always keep in my pocket> and forcefully put it in her hand.
She gasped.
And she turned back around.

That's what I thought... Skank. I thought in my head.

30 minutes passed and we ended up winning I stand up from where I was sitting and noticed Harry looking at Adrieann'e like she's gold.

I can't help but get teary eyed and wonder why can't he like me? I have noticed that he stares at me like, ALOT in class but..

He's probably admiring my ugliness...  I sigh.

I look away and run up to the stand and say bye to maya and head to my house. I have to walk because my mom dropped me off. Josh is riding back home with his friends. So I'm all alone.

Somebody pulls up behind me. And I stop. I Turn around and notice it's Harry.
"Need a ride Selena? Your bro told me to give you a ride." He said smirking.

"Ummm... Uhh...." Breathless. He answers for me. He climbs out and opens they passengers door for me. "Hop in" he says and I do what he says. Once I get in the car I notice he is not driving me home. He is taking the back way towards the rich houses.

Oh. No.

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