Chapter 25

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Unfortunately this is the last chapter of A True fan. :( I know how you feel. I hate having to end it. But every story eventually has to end. :/. I have had the best time writing it! Love you all and Thx for reading.:)


-- Lydia's P.O.V --

Three months has flown by, fast. Josh leaves in two days. I'm not sure what I'll do. He's made this the best time ever. Today he's taking me to the movies. We're going to the Catching fire premier. The cast will be there. Even though I've already meet them all. I've been sitting on the couch waiting.

"You ready to go? " Josh snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? What? Oh right, yeah let's go." I stuttered.

He looked at me as if he knew I was upset. I looked away so he couldn't see my eyes. He continued walking and I continued not looking in his eyes. We then got in the car.

"Okay spill. I know some thing's wrong." Josh said breaking the silence.

"I don't know what you mean." I said still looking out the window.

He pressed the break at a stop light. " Look me in the eyes and say that again." He demanded.

I looked over," That again." I said crossing my arms.

"Ha-ha-ha. Very funny," He said sarcastically,"No tell me nothing's wrong."

"N-nothing's wr-wrong." I stuttered.

"Really. Then how come-"

"I said NOTHING'S WRONG." I cut him off.

"Ok goodness, sorry." He said driving again.

"No I'm sorry. " I whispered.

He put his hand on my back and whispered, " I'm really gonna miss you to."

My eyes shot open as I looked over at him. How'd he know? I kept looking at him, but he didn't look back. He just smiled. Is it really that easy to tell? Oh course he can, I'm like a window to him. UGH. I can't hide anything. I just acted as if nothing happened and was silent for the whole ride.


We got there and paparazzi showed up right away. I was almost blinded by the flashing lights. They started shouting as well.

"Who that girl?"

"Josh! Josh! Over here."

"Is that your girlfriend?"

"We thought you loved Jennifer." They were all shouting.

Josh grabbed my hand and led us through the crowd. He even shouted at some of the paps. We walked in and I was greeted by Jennifer.

"Well hello again." She smiled.

"Hey Jen."I smiled back.

"Hi Josh." She hugged him.

He hugged back and we then walked to our seats. We had perfect seats. Not to close, not to far and great length from... Gale. Most of the actors brought dates. So everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, confused me as Josh's new girlfriend. Each time someone asked Josh and I would both blush.


It was about the middle of the movie and they were all into it. Even though over half of them were in it already. I wasn't really paying attention though. I was just thinking. Every once in a while Josh would glance at me. He knew what was going on but didn't say anything.

**Next Morning**

-- Josh 's P.O.V --

I have an hour left with Lydia and she's still asleep. I think she's awake, but she won't come out of her room. I leave at 10:00 and it's already 9:05. I hope she wakes up. I can't miss goodbye.


9:30. I'm starting to worry. I wait for another five minutes when she walks out.

"Sorry. I slept late." She mumbles.

"It's fine. Just glad you're up." I smile.

She smiles back and walks to the kitchen. She comes out with a bowl of cereal and sits by me on the couch.

" Did you get everything thing packed?" She asked.

" Uh. Yeah." I say.

"That's good." She nodded.

I gave a weak smile and nodded back. I waited as she finished her cereal and we walked out side. I said goodbye to her dad and gave a thanks for letting me stay.

" I'm going to really miss you." I say.

"same." She says.

"You don't look like you're upset." I said.

"I am." She paused," Just trying to be strong." She says as her eyes started to water.

I didn't say a word. I just gave her a hug. It took a while but she finally hugged back. Then she began to lightly cry. I did the same. We let go after what seemed like forever.

"Don't forget me." She sniffles.

"Don't count on it." I smiled.

-- Lydia's P.O.V --

I watched as he drove off. Tears uncontrollably streaming down my face. I didn't want him to leave. But it's not my choice. I watched his car until he was out of sight. I walked inside and layed in my bed. Of course my phone begins to ring. I look over to see the name,


I answer.

"Hello" I say.

"Hey." He says.

"Hey. what's up?" I asked.

"Oh nothing. I just wanted to see how you were doing." He says.

"Oh um, I'm fine." I mumble.

"Well that's good. um hey so I was wondering?" He stops.

"What?" I asked.

"Well I wanted to know?" He stops again.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I was wondering if you maybe, possibly, might want to go to the park?" He asks nervously.

"I'd love to." I smile.

"really?" He asks.

"Yeah, it would be a great way to get my mind off- I mean I'd love to." I say again.

"Great. see you then." He says.

"See you then." I say back.

I smile as I hang up and head out.


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