Little, not

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I groan. It was just another dream. 'Well it's not the first time' I thought as I sit up in bed. I was wondering why I got these dreams. And who is "Jake"? I've never met anyone of that name. That little girl,"Renynn?" "Honeywell time to wake up!" My mom's calling me. I quickly got out of bed and ran out my room. I found my mom in the kitchen with her back to me, she was cutting something with a knife. I stopped behind her. "Morning mama!" The next thing I knew a knife was pointed at my neck. "(Y/n)! how many times do I have to tell you not to scare me like that!" She yells putting the knife down. I mummble a small sorry. "Anyway.." She starts as she hugs me. "Happy birthday (Y/n)!" Oh right, its my birthday today. I smile as I pull away. "Thanks mom!"
"So any plans for your day?" She asks as she continues cutting veggies.
"I'm not sure what I want to do today, maybe I'll just sleep all day." I say sleepily.
"Humbug!" My mom scolds me.
"You're going to your grandmother's house."
"Isn't her house like in the forest?."
"Yes and it will give you sometime with nature and not just your bed."
"But mooooom!"
"No "butts" will be involved."
"Mom please just, just stop please your going to scar me for life." I hang my head in the process.
Mom giggles silently.
"Anyway your grandmother wanted to see you but she's very sick so I need you to take her some soup so she'll get better." I sigh loudly. "Fine but when I get back you have to make me some brownies."
"Very well it's a deal now the soups on the stove and don't forget to wear that hood your grandmother made for you." She had this all planned out didn't she. I get the soup and put it in a bowl with a lid so it won't spill. I walk to the door all dressed (picture) to find my red hood on the door knob. Mom. I put it on and grab mom's basket that she insisted for me to take. I open the door yelling a love you to mom. "(Y/n) wait." I turn around to face my mom. "Remember don't go off the path-" "I know mom I'm not 3."
"Yes and I know that, it's just that people have gone missing and I don't want to loose you."
"Don't worry mom you'll never loose me." Mom and I share a hug as I walk through the door heading to the Woods.

Little Red Riding Hood Where stories live. Discover now