Chapter Three

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Sorry guys for the super late update! Exams are soon to be over and more updates will come! But this chapter is more of a background story so don't expect much but I hope you'll still enjoy it.

"Okay then, I'll pick you guys up later. Be good okay?" I hugged Kaleb and Kimberley before they rushed off to their playgroup.

Holy sugar-puffs! What am I going to do now?! I can't return home, what if they're still doing it?! How am I going to face him? I should have knocked, I should have bloody knocked. I should text him an apology, yeah I should probably do that.

So I pulled out my phone and scrolled down my contact list to find Mr Frances' phone number. I took a deep breathe before I sent him an apology.

'I'm so sorry for...'

I began to type, but then I stopped and thought. What do you send?! How are you meant to apologise to someone for being a peeping tom?! I began panicking and pacing up and down the street outside of the playgroup centre.

"Mommy! That boy's being weird!" A child called out and I immediately stopped at my tracks.

"Sweety, shush!" The mother scold. "I'm sorry!" She turned to me and apologised, I just smiled gently at her. I mean I was being weird.

I ended up going to library nearby, basically anywhere other than going back to the house. I brought a cup of coffee from the Starbucks shop located inside the library and sat down along with a book. Should I just apologise in person? I mean he definitely saw me, but he didn't call me out nor has he tried to fire me yet, or maybe he'll fire me when he gets back. I should have just minded my own business, I shouldn't have let curiosity taken over me. As I pondered my head in finding a solution to solve my problems, my phone began ringing; it was from Blaire.

"Hey what's up buddy?!" He greeted cheerfully. What's up buddy?! What's up buddy?! I've been run over trying to save two toddlers and their father is a famous model and He caught me peeping as he had sex with his secretary. That's what's up. But I didn't say that.

"Wow, it's been like a month since you went on holiday and now you decided to call?" I said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry! I hardly get any signal where I am."

"Where are you anyway?" I asked.

"Well right now, I'm in some cabin resort thing in Italy with my family."

"Well seems like you're having a better time than I am." I sighed.

"Why? What happened? I'm all ears."

So I began to fill Blaire in on my life starting from a month or so ago. I told him about coming out to my family. I told him I got ran over trying to save Kimberley and Kaleb and I told him that I'm currently working as a housekeeper and babysitter for Mr Frances.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry for not contacting sooner, are you okay now?" He asked sounding actually concerned.

"Yeah, there's no broken bones or anything, I'm as healthy as can be, but I need to go in for a regular checkup." I relieved him of his worries. "But I'm gonna need to find a new place to stay, I can't keep working and living at Mr Frances', like he's a celebrity."

"I'm glad you're fit and healthy, and look I'll be back in the States in a month so you can crash at my place if you want." He offered.

"That'd be great, thanks, but I don't want to trouble your parents. I'll apply for student accommodations soon and I'll stay at the uni." I declined his offer.

"All right, as long as you're okay with it but honestly just come over or call me whenever you need."

"Aww, aren't you a sweetie, if only you were gay..."

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