Chapter 2

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“Hurry!” I growled. We ran far and deep into the forest, to get to my cabin. My territory was very extensive and I took pride in how well hidden my home was from any intruders.

As soon as I knew I was getting closer, I pushed my limits, my speed was incredible and my paws dug deep into the ground. I knew Lizzie could keep up, no doubt she would be utterly exhausted but I needed her, her brother needed her, my mate. When I got to the porch I huffed as a signal for her to take brother and spoke “Hurry Elizabeth your brother doesn’t have much time. And he-he can’t die no not know I need him!”

“Okay.” She took him from me and the separation was so painful that I shifted at that same moment. I almost tore the door down but thanks to Lizzie she rapidly opened the door when I took him in my arms and carried him towards my living room. At that moment I was so grateful I didn’t have much furniture and spoke “Liz I need you to go get the first aid kit in my sick room, it’s the second door to the left down that hallway.” In an amazing speed she took care of bringing everything I asked even a set of clothes so that I wouldn’t have to stay in the nude attending my mates wounds.

When I was inspecting his wounds the one that must have made the most damage was a deep gash that went down from his left peck and covered his whole left rib cage. I was so shocked and it took me so off guard that I couldn’t move, thanks to Lizzie though, she helped me as much as she could and we sew and patched every wound up as best as we could and I got some fluids through some IVs I’ve been saving up if I ever got into some serious damage.

“If it’s okay … um can I call you sister, it’s just I-I don’t even know your name” she stuttered a bit while kneeling down beside me with some bottled water she must have found in the fridge. “It’s okay Lizzie, you can, and thanks. Besides you are now family to me and I will do anything to protect my mate’s sister. Oh and by the way my name is Jane, don’t be afraid to talk to me I won’t bite. I’m just you know trying to figure things out, this is a lot to take in.” I spoke.

“I completely understand, more than you can imagine believe me, and Jane I thought you might want to know my brother’s name. It’s Darcy.” “Darcy.” I repeated I liked the way it sounded coming out of my mouth it was such an interesting yet beautiful name. “He is such an incredible man Jane, I know you are going to love him, he act all rough and tough but on the inside he is just like a big teddy.” He stirred a bit at her commentary, he must be getting better his face had gotten more color and we heard him mumble a bit, and Lizzie couldn’t help but giggle when she heard me sigh when he said mate in his sleep. I am amazed in the speed of his heeling it must be something with his power.

“You know Jane, you are completely different from what I thought a Lone would be and I really do hope that you and my brother can be happy together. You care for him and I see you already love him so much, because you never left his side and haven’t let go of his hand for one moment. I- I can’t thank you enough for being here for him, I thought I was going to lose him and I couldn’t live with the fact that he thought he was never going to find a mate, but here you are, you are real Jane!” she sobbed and buried her face in my shirt, and with my free hand I stoked her hair in a comforting way in hopes of calming her down.  

After that she was so worn out and tired she fell asleep besides me with her head on my lap and I watched as both of my new pack where sleeping peacefully. In the past the mere thought of having my own pack or even being in one was downright repulsive, but now it seemed to feel like it was absolutely meant to be. 

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