Old Timer Quotes

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1. "BOXES" from any Gmod map with boxes
2. "Why did it go quiet. ITS NEVER GOOD WHEN THINGS GO QUIET!" From, "Phobia #2"
3. "OOOHH so my "Beautiful" princess that's gonna come rescue me isn't exactly gonna be......... "lovely" From, "Phobia #2"
4. "I'm gonna kill you with a rusty spork stabbed in your eyeball and shove it out your butt if you don't let me up there." From, "The Stanley Parable"
5. "Extremely hard my left nipple." From, "Happy Wheels Highlights"

6."Someone's just going to moan in my ear about how it hurts!?!?" From..... to be honest I don't know but probably from Huniepop. Lol

(A/n ~sorry for the short page or whatever I couldn't think of much else lol~)

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