Chapter 47

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In a split second, my mind exploded. Thoughts raced into a hundred frightening possibilities, on a track line that coiled around my ribs, so tight I could hardly breathe. There was a franticness to my actions, I gripped my phone to my ear, my muscles in my hand rigid. The ringing echoed in my ear, vibrating against skin. A slow taunt of sorts. The wait felt like forever. And then: "What's the matter?" Cole asked. "Is everything alright?"

Relief struggled to flood my nerves like water against a barrier. Anxiety refused to let go of me. I couldn't relax, not yet. "Cole," I sounded breathless. "Where are you? Are you OK? You're not – shit. Shit."

"What happened?"

"My father called me a minute ago. He threatened to kill my boyfriend and I thought that would be you. But of course it wouldn't be. Jade thinks Irvin is my boyfriend and she's been whispering in his ear. She's his informant. Find him, Cole. Please. I think he's been shot."

"I'll give you a call back."

The silence was worse than the ringing. In the distance, I could hear the shuffle of footsteps, the muffled voices, the photographers and news reporters being instructed to get into their vans. I felt disconnected to the world. Like a split between reality and my state of mind, a gap so deep a leap wouldn't make it. And then everything merged together in a volatile crash. I jerked back to the land of the living. My feet were on the white rug of my bedroom, the dresser faced me, a reflection of fear staring back at me.

My phone vibrated, screeched. "Hello?" The greeting came out as a yell, desperate.

"Irvin's on his way to the hospital," James said. "Neighbours heard a gunshot, called the cops. He was in his grandmother's house, on the floor, bleeding out. It was a shot to the stomach. They're trying to stabilise him, no-one knows if the bullet hit any major organs. It's a waiting game."

"Oh, my god. This is my fault. I need to see him. Which hospital?"

"The roads have been blocked, highway closed off. Trains are down. There's no way you'll be able to get out of Oaktown. Stay put. Keep faith. He'll survive. I'll keep you updated."

"I have to see with my own eyes if he's going to be OK–"

"If it's severe, he'll be long dead by the time you arrive. Wait." James sounded distant, returned half a minute later. "He's in surgery. No-one is allowed in the room. Dorito is in the waiting room, he'll keep us informed."

"Godfuckingdammnit," anger detonated inside of me, splattering my guts on the walls of my skin. In the midst of my rage, came frustration, and wretchedness. I wanted to cry. I inhaled shakily, dragging the breath in like it was going to be my last. "OK. Thank you, James. I'm going to let these dumbasses downstairs know that they've been digging in their own pile of shit for the past couple of hours. Once they realise my father's not here anymore, they can start opening up the roads. At the very least, maybe I can get this spotlight off my house."

"One last thing," James was hesitant. "Cole's put a bounty on your father's head. 100 K. Every crook and civilian is out looking for him. He'll be found in an instant."

"What?" why was I engulfed in sudden horror? He shot Irvin, intended to kill him. My best friend. I should be out there, donning Inspector Gadget clothing, nose to the ground. I put a hand to my forehead. "I..." My eyes squeezed shut. I couldn't ask him to call it off. I wanted him found and hanged but...I couldn't do it to my brother. My father didn't deserve a shot at redemption, but if he was sentenced to the belly of hell then Seth would be a wreck. While my love for my father had been reduced to a trickle, Seth's was a gushing river and there was no end to it. Shit was complicated.

"If it's any consolation, he's asked for him to be found alive," James ended softly.


Detective Law was at the just-been-fixed front door, shaking hands with Isiah. The house looked like a herd of elephants had stampeded their way through the rooms. It was empty of cops. The outside noise had been reduced to a withdrawing helicopter and engines being started. I jumped off the third to last step, "Detective!"

His hip turned.

"He called me. My father." I added as if it wasn't obvious. The atmosphere became electrified, intense. Eyes were drawn to me.

Keith Law frowned, taking my phone from me. "What did he say?"

"He's mad at me, he said he was going to punish me for what happened today. He shot my friend, Irvin – he's in the hospital. And now dad's disappeared."

Law scrolled through my call log, calling the number. He dropped his arm a moment later. "Fuck. Pardon me. The phone is out of service. The call lasted eight seconds. I'm going to need you to make another statement and I'll need you to tell me about your friend. Can we have a room in private? Thompson, get in here. I'm going to need you."


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