Our Last Summer, Still lingers

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Ok, I confess it. Your the best thing that has ever stumbled into my life but you stumbled out of it too soon. It cant tell if its killing me or making me stronger all I know is your gone, for good and theres nothing I can do about it. A thousands words couldnt bring you back, dont you think ive tried. Niether could a million tears, I know because ive cried. You left behind a broken heart but happy memories too, I never wanted memories.. I only wanted you. My biggest fear was losing you, I knew there would come a day for you to leave but it came so soon. Im not a silly teenage girl in love who sits at home and crys about her ex, my story is completely different, a story no one will ever be able to understand. So here it is one more time before I erase the memory of you forever and move on with my life. 

Chapter 1 - The start of the story

I rouse from my pilliow as the dreaded sound came blasting out from my alarm clock, I slowly opened my eyes hoping to wake up as a different person in a completely different surrounding. un suprisingley, I was in the same place and the same weariful person I was 7 hours ago. The thought of yet another day as myself made my entire body weaken as I plunked back down to my pillow. This was a routine for me, waking up wishing I could just go straight back to sleep. I razed my fragile body out of bed. I plodded down the stairs that lead to the kitchen, where my mum was boiling eggs for mine and my siblings breakfast.

 'finally,she awakens' my brother yelled, as if id come back from the dead.

 I didnt even acknowledge what he said and flopped down in the seat oppisite him. William, the youngest of the 4 Patterson children. Also the most annoying, he never does what he is told and calls me a new harshing name daily. Most people say I look like him but we both dont see it, his tall for his age.. most  definitely the tallest in his class, his only 10 but yet he towers over me and im 3 years older. If he does end up looking like myself he isnt going to go far in life  with his appearance, thats for sure. We both have fair hair, mine flows down to my bum, his halts at his shoulders. My eyes are blue, which im gifted to have as the rest of my household have green. William has an advantage when it comes to his eyes. My mum always wanted a boy with brown  and Williams dad, my stepfather, always wanted children with green eyes. He entered the world with brown  to my mums delight, that automatically made him my mums preferred child. But when he was at the age of 2, my mother took him for a stroll in the  park hoping for him to fall asleep for the rest of the afternoon. That didnt happen a tall, William was so full of liveliness he couldnt keep still, he stuck out his small head from the pram and pounded straight into a lampost turning his right eye green. Although he went through a lot of pain, it paid of in the end making him the greater child for both parents. He shares my oversized nose but when it comes to the rest of our features we are nothing a like or when it comes to personalities theres a big amounts of differences. His always festive and cheery, me on the other hand is blank and wearisome. He has the most astonishing sense of humour, the whole family know he is going to bloom into such a comical young man. Then theres me, I cant think of one thing im even fairly good at.

Chapter 2- Fate kicks in

Coming soon..

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