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After my beating my kidnappers left me outside a door. My clothes ripped and torn I hear a familiar voice "Armin.." he froze when he saw me "HELP Someone please Levi ,Hanji Erwin!"He shouts my eyes start to shut as I drifted away "stay with me Please Kit please!"

Armin P.O.V
Her eyes drift shout "Kit!!"
"What happened?" I turn to see Erwin standing behind me with Hanji "K-kit s-she's!" I try to say but im cut off by a sob that rose from my throut "KIT!" I turn my head to see Danny his eyes wide I get a sudden urge to run I jump up and take off "Infirmary!" I shout over my shoulder I bust through the infirmary door "help!...."

Corporal's Daughter :-)Where stories live. Discover now