First Drop: Who are you?

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your pov

This world is amazingly magical. There are so many things to see, to hear, to touch, to smell. Life is such a miracle to us. Oh how beautiful can this world gets. Though my father who is long gone, my mother who stays behind loving me so kindly. What else are out there awaiting me? This life is great!

It's a lie. It's all a damn lie.

My father who went missing with no traces left behind. Rumors were spreading while my mother cried her eyes out. I couldn't do anything but stood by the corner sobbing at my missing toy. Before I even know it, the kids in my class had already outcasted me, the teacher has disassociated himself with me. In the end, all I had left is my mother. Oh mother, she does not have anyone else either. It was just me and her. We live days by days until-

"What the hell did you do Hanbin?!"

Whose voice.. It sounded like.. Jinhwan of iKON?

"I didn't mean it, I was hungry. I couldn't control myself."

And.. Kim Hanbin?

Jinhwan: Stop speaking so irresponsibly. We need Yunhyuk to clean this mess up. Is she dead?

Hanbin: Don't know.

What are they talking about? Oh wait.. Earlier, if I wasn't dreaming, wasn't it Kim Hanbin who.. No.. He couldn't have done that.. But.. I.. Maybe he did..

Suddenly, I feel a warmth sensation coming closer to me. As I would love to resist opening my eyes, I couldn't do it. I opened my eyes widely, and in that second, it feels as if time has stopped.

This beautiful boy, he is so close to me. His pale skin enchants me. His red lip mesmerizes me. His eyes dimming through time as if everything is frozen.

"You're alive?"

You: Y-yes..

He's kneeling down, leaning his body against mine. His ears were approaching my chest before I awoken.

Jinhwan: (breaths in sigh of relief) This is great! We're happy you're not hurting or anything!

I could feel a force of act from Jinhwan. I could feel himself forcing his words out. He's lying, I feel it.

You: I'm fine. Thank you.

Hanbin: Mind standing up?

He bends his body down and lends me his hand. I grabbed it and stood up with his help. I still can't believe two members of iKON are right here next to me.

The two of them flustered as I got up. They seem to be hiding many things and it seems like they're afraid I have seen something.

Maybe I did.

"I may have seen it."

Jinhwan: Mwo? You have seen what?

I forcefully grabbed my mouth with both of my hands, realizing I spoke out loud.

You: Are you guys.. vampires?

They looked at each other for a while, and bursted out laughing.

"Of course not."

Hanbin seems to be more flustered.

Oh Kim Hanbin, he's right here. I've always liked him. His personality, his music, his talent. I liked it all. Now that he's here, it seems like I'm in a dream. A dream where everything is impossible to happened. But at the same time, it's bound to happened.

You: Excuse me, then I'll be taking my leave.

I bowed down. Turned away from them and walked farther away from these two young idols who I suspicious of to be vampires.

"They are vampires" so I thought.

They're lying.

They're forcing themselves.

They're faking it.

I don't like it.

Mother was right.

Vampires don't have feelings.




Your encounter with your favorite idols but somehow led you to inferred that they are vampires. Was it a dream? Was it real? And will you be safe for knowing this "secret"?

Finally.. first chapter is out! I thought June 1st is probably a long waiting time so I decided to start the series now. Please support my third book by voting/commenting and most importantly, add this to your reading list for further updates. Thank you, love you.

follow me on IG & SC if you want to dm requests - @ lidiloves_wp

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