If It Kills Me

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Chapter One

   I remember the very first day I met the girl who would change my life forever. It was October 17, 2010. I was in college studying music education. With October being part of football season (or marching band season as we would call it), we were practicing outside before the game. My best friend at the time, Taylor, had a best friend from back home. She had told me she was going to come to the game that afternoon because we were playing against her college. I had seen pictures of her all over Taylor's room from high school. She was about average built and had some curves on her. She had really dark brown hair that looked as silky and smooth as, well, silk! She also had big, beautiful, brown eyes that shined as bright as the Northern Star and a smile you could never forget. I always thought she was gorgeous but didn't think anything about it. I mean really, who looks at a picture of your best friend's best friend from back home and thinks to herself "Oh! She's gorgeous. I'm going to meet her and then be creepy by telling her shes extremely pretty and sweep her off her feet!". Trust me, no one does that, at least not me however.

   Taylor and I had decided we were going to take her to lunch after she got there and after band was over so the three of us could hang out. As band was approaching closer and closer to its finish, Taylor got more and more excited until finally, she was here. There she was in the flesh, not behind a glass frame. I had always thought she was beautiful, but I had no idea seeing her in person would affect me the way it did. I was standing about 40 yards away from her, not even getting a really good look at her, and she had already knocked the breath out of me. I knew right then and there, I had to do whatever it took to impress her and make her like me. Taylor had no idea how I felt or what was going through my head. I don't even think she even noticed how much I was starring her friend down.

   The next ten to fifteen minutes were probably the longest ten to fifteen minutes of my life. As I waited anxiously for marching band to end, all I could think about was her and what I would say and do. I had never spoke to her a day in my life. All I knew about her was that she was bisexual. I had no idea what she was like so I had no idea what I would say. I thought I could maybe just wing it. I thought surely I wouldn't be that bad, but oh was I wrong. I walked up to her and the closer I got to her and really got a good look at her, the more I lost it. She was just stunning. Her hair was a lot shorter than it was in the pictures, but she still looked adorable. She was wearing jeans, and her purple college shirt with a big, white, T on it. She also had a little black bow in her hair that I couldn't tell if it was just a clip, or a head band. Taylor, at that point, had introduced us.  

   "Jaylinn, this is Jaylynn. My best friend from back home."

   We had the same name by the way. We just spelled it differently. 

   As soon as she introduced us, my mouth and my brain stopped communicating. I couldn't spit anything out. I just stared at her and gave her a nod. A nod?! How the hell was I supposed to make her swoon with a nod?! Feeling like a complete idiot, I tried to brush it off as best as I could. I couldn't give off any sign that I was into her, I didn't want to scare her away, so I just started talking to people around me. Oh, did I say talking? I meant acting like a fool. I was trying to act cool and making stupid jokes and laughing way too hard. could even tell I was trying way too hard.

   After I had put all my stuff away and everyone started to leave, I walked back up to Taylor and Jaylynn. I was thinking Taylor and I had to take her to the one of the restaurants in this tiny college town because the rest of it was just fast food, and I wanted Jaylynn to have the best. There were three restaurants, and six fast food places plus a Walmart and a Brookshires. The college was located right in the middle of a high way. You had most of the dorms on one side of the high way and the College was on the other side of it. There was a grand total of two stop lights and after you passed the two stop lights, you were out of the little tiny college town. The town was literally as big as the campus. Once you were off the campus, you were in the small town anymore. 

   I walked over to Taylor, "Lets go to Lulu's for lunch", I said. Lulu's was a hamburger place everyone always went to before a game. 

   "You didn't ask Jaylynn what she might want for lunch. She's sitting right here", Taylor pointed out. I'm such an idiot. DUH! How could I have not asked Jaylynn herself where she would want to go. I was messing up right and left with her. She hadn't said much since I met her. I didn't know if that was because I was acting like I didn't have a brain and she thought I was an idiot and didn't like me, or if she was just shy. I was too embarrassed by the way I was acting to even remember what happened next. All I could remember how much of a jackass I had been and wondering what Jaylynn actually thought about me. 

   I don't know how, but we some how ended up going to Chicken Express and eating in Taylor's dorm room. We took two seperate cars. Taylor didn't have a car so she rode with Jaylynn. I took my own car. The entire time it took us to go through the drive through and drive to Taylor's dorm, my head must have processed a million thoughts. Jaylynn was like nothing I have ever seen before. I knew I just had to have her no matter what it took. She was something amazing that I could never put into words. She was like watching a shooting star for the very first time. She was magical and I didn't even know why. I didn't even know her. I kept telling myself I had to do better if I wanted her to like me. She hadn't said a word to me since we had met and I knew I had to change that. I would be devasted if I didn't have a chance with her. 

  We got back in her room and started eating. I kept looking at her every once in a while. She kept her head down most of the time. I would try and make small talk with her, but she still didn't seem like she wanted me in there. I again tried to impress her. Don't ask me why because I knew that I was just making myself look like a jackass and nothing was really working at all. I started talking about our friends Taylor and I had here and how funny and cool they were. I don't remember exactly what I was saying or talking about, I just knew it was about them. I made Taylor laugh but I still couldn't get anything on Jaylynn. 

    After a couple hours of trying to get her to interact with me, I knew I was just making things worse and blowing it even more. I looked up at one point and saw just a dark, black, stare. She just looked angry and her eyes were telling me to go away. At that point I knew I had failed. I had never felt such a way toward anyone before so I knew I had to make it count. Instead, I ended up blowing it. I finally got up and told Taylor I was going to get my stuff together for the game. As I got up and left, this wall of depression over powered me. The game wasnt for another 4 hours. I had plenty of time to stay there and hang out. I was so disappointed with myself at that point that I just wanted to go back to my room and sulk. I told her Taylor bye and told Jaylynn it was nice meeting her. I had a very strong feeling I wouldn't be seeing her the rest of the night.

   When I got back to my room, I decided I was going to go home after the game. I only lived an hour away so deciding last minute I wanted to go home, wasn't a big deal. I packed all my things so I could leave straight from the game. I couldn't believe I had blown it. At home, it was easy for me to get anyone I wanted almost. But that was the problem right there. Jaylynn wasn't just anyone. There was something about her that just made me want more. She had an auora around her that was just so addicting to me. She really was the most beautiful human being I had ever seen.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2013 ⏰

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