As soon as you walked in, I noticed you..trying my best not to stare yet trying to get your attention while trying not to scare you but at the same time trying to be sexy yet trying to be cool yet ... I'm rambling, ha.... uhmmmm you're beautiful. Is that ok to say? I admit that I like you, and I wanted you to stay. Stay with me that whole night, to take care of me. And I definitely admit my lips wanted to meet yours again. The taste.. the feel of you kissing and biting my lips as I pull you in closer to my body... your long, curly locks intertwined with my fingers... while your fingers are.... am I moving to fast? I must admit that I am very sexually attracted to you. The way you talk is my new addiction. Your spanish can persuade my body to do all of your bidding. Mmmm. Baby... Love... I just want to taste you. I want to know what you're treasure tastes like when i put a little pressure on your clit, making you cum, orgasm, squirt and cream again and again... Will you let me, my gorgeous Dominican. .. Let me open you up and explore your body deeply. Let me go into the depths of your intellectual sexual. I admit, I wanna fuck you quickly, then lick your clit slowly... kiss up your hips, your breasts while your chest is compressed from not breathing. .. and then finally your lips.... I'm Daddy.. say it in Spanish. .. I would keep going but I dont think you can manage...
check your underwear ;)