I wriggled around while Andrew was shoving me to wake up and said "how was your sleep?" I replied rocky. Painfully I twisted around hearing cracks as I did I said to them it's time to continue our journey but then Matthew said what about the chest we need to open it I sighed fine... I replied. You try they said since I was the strongest so with all my might I pulled as hard as I could araarrrhhh! BANG! The clip came off Andrew talked me and said it's mine then me and Matthew where all like nah and I said we will share. We took the lid of and saw one four golden cups and that was all. Matthew said oh yeah baby and took one me and Andrew did of course as well Matt said can I have the last one? No I say politely we must continue travelling.
How Max Became
AdventureIt is all up to Max! It is all up to him to save the great kingdom of Nemacia to defeat the Sarinads. Find out how and if they can magnate to