School and hell

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I walked into school and picked up my schedule. As far as I'm aware I have classes with no one I know, but almost all of my classes with the cheer team and the football jocks. Goddess why are you doing this to me?

I absolutely hate the cheerleaders, they are so stuck up and full of themselves. Last year I was considerd one of THEM. But when I found out that my boyfriend Blake making out with Christina, the now caption, I decided to leave cheering for the school.

Now don't get me wrong I still cheer just with my competitive team, the West Wolfs. Our Beta's wife , Heather, is our coach and I just love her. All of the other girls on the school team aren't on our competitive team because Heather 1. doesn't like them and 2. doesn't want us girls to be on two teams at once, so we had to pick.

They chose school, I chose compeditve. The only time I'm not doing cheer is for club volleyball, also called the West Wolfs and run by Heather. Anyway my first class is P.E . but I dont have to do anything because of cheer. I walked into the locker rooms and change into the schools P.E. uniform. which consits of a red tank top, black shorts, and athletic shoes. When I walked into the gym it when silent. I went to sit on the bleachers and waited for Coach Brandon to come out and take role.

Brandon is one of the only humans at our school. He doesn't know about wolves and no one is going to tell him, the only other humans are the librarian, the principle, the principles secretary, and Mr. Ruiz my English teacher. Mr. Ruiz is an asshole who thinks he's all that, but he is just really fat and rude.

Brandon had the class just play volleyball, this is the only sport I will do in P.E. other than combat and archery. We get trained in combat cause our pack, Night Moon, and another pack, Ivy Snare, have a rivalry. Out schools go head to head every year in every sport, outside of school our packs are always fighting. I have yet to be in one of these fights due to the fact that I haven't shifted yet.

After P.E. I have free period, and the mall is right down the street so guess what I do. I go shopping, normally my best-friend Sarah would come with me but she had to transfer schools, when her mom got a new job. she now currently goes to Ivy High and says its really awkward cause she isn't apart of the Ivy Snares pack. They know she's a wolf just not what pack she's in.

On Friday my pack is throwing a ball for all of the packs and the royals to come. Since our pack is the biggest in America and 2nd to only the Royals pack for the worlds largest and most powerful, we through one every year to celebrate peace of the packs and the new year. It also happens to be my birthday. My pack always has the ball also be my birthday party since my Dad is the Alfa and all. The only pack that doesn't come is Ivy Snare, they are the outcasts of the werewolf community, because they are so cut off from the other packs and because they are fighting with us over our territory.

This year I heard that the Princes are coming to the party. They are said to be players and really arrogant but also charming. The princes are twins, Justin and Jacob, they turned 16 last year during finals week, and the week I had volleyball championships so I couldn't go to their party. Both haven't met their mates though despite the fact that's all they've been doing all summer, looking for their mates.

Any way when I got to the mall I immediately went into my favorite store, Hottopic, I got two new band t-shirts, leggings, a black beanie, a gray beanie, and a heather black and teal beanie, 2 dresses, and some nerd glasses. After hottopic I went to the dress store and started looking for a dress to wear on Friday. I choose a purple prom like dress with beautiful beading through out the bodice. I stopped at Bath and Body Works and picked up some lipgloss and a few candles for winter. Finally I went to Victoria's Secret and got some new underwear and a couple bras, some PINK sweat pants in purple, gray, and black with the matching jackets.

After I paid I went strait to my car and raced to school. I just barely made it to Art class, which is my favorite class other than history and Chinese. Mrs.Downing explained what we will be focussing on during first quarter and let us talk for the rest of the hour. After art I have history with Ms.Evers who is the nicest teacher in the whole world, I just kinda zoned out when she started telling the class the objectives for the year.

After 4th hour I have lunch, and boy let me tell you it is really awkward when you have to sit alone cause your old friends are bitches and your best friend doesn't even go to your school. I quickly ate my lunch with all the weird stairs I was getting from my old friends, and the humans not knowing why I wasn't sitting with them. After lunchtime the day just flew by.

Mr. Berg had just finished his welcome back speech when the bell rang and I high tailed it out of school and to my car. Surprisingly without one run in with the bitch squad, I finished my first day back to school.

When I got home my dads car was in the drive way which is odd. I mean he normally doesn't get home till after dinner so something has to be up. I walked into the house and saw both of may parents sitting on the leather couch which Bly means that what ever they want to talk about is serious shit.

"Angel you're home, please sit down we have something to tell you. And it is very important." My father said once he saw me.


A/N I am so sorry for not updating sooner school and volleyball are just a lot right now. Please comment and vote! Love you all my beautiful readers!!

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