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In order to be able to get into the tests, to be able to outcompete the rest of the other incredible clever boys in Britain, I needed to learn hard.
Everyday for many's weeks I stayed isolated in my room staring at endless lines of words in endless amounts of books.
From everything from biology to philosophy I learnt, even at dinner I'll read a poster that was pinned above my brother's head on the wall.
I suffered from many migraines, and mum wanted me to stop before I started crumbling down but I didn't want to.

Many years have flew passed without recognition, well for me anyway as I still starred at the same white board, pen in hand. Being a teenager had completely lost its meaning.
No dangerously living the high life or plucking a rebellious gangster by the thread, on the other hand I was only fourteen.

I was still there, isolated in that unchanged room, scanning every letter that I have observed numerous times just so it was surgically attached to my brain.
I'd become stupendously clever, yet anti social, the books that circulated me had become my best friends and I hated it.
However I often reminded myself, if I want to be King I have to put the effort in, and that's what I did.
By this point, the worlds economy was in pinnacle condition and it was time for the new monarchy to submerge, and I was ready.

I signed myself up confidently with my family by my side.
I was praying to God, I'll receive my acceptance for the examination.
Unfortunately, the monarchy could only consist of men as it followed the ancient fixation of men reining the land.
It was sadistic, sexist and highly controversial but it was the governments decision.
The examination is to judge the boy who was foremost to go to what they called The Tests. To me it sounded experimental and grievous but it was when each boy from each country are put into groups and fundamentally, they chose the best group to be the five kings of the Potazzium.

The examination and The Tests are split into trials: intellect; vigour; administration; temperament and skill.  
In a nutshell, the essentials of being a monarch.
In my teenage head, I thought I was succeeding greatly. I thought I had a brilliant personality. I was the joker, not pushing to the point where it was unbearably annoying but just to cause a light-hearted giggle.
I was also extremely sensitive, and humbly thought that I was quite attractive which was another factor the government was looking for for some unexplainable reason.
"At least you'll get all the fine ladies" Dad used to say giggly.

Organisation was one of my many specialities along with my skills.
I was a  good artist and creative thinker, without expressing it in a deep sense of pride. In conclusion and my most eminent feature, I was exceptionally clever, something I'd developed overtime whilst sitting in that room.
Sitting on that cold floor achingly did me little good as my physical wellbeing was abysmal.
I was skinny and weak, I definitely needed to broaden up.

I heard a slab in the floor tremble outside, often caused by someone applying pressure on it whilst walking across.
I checked the time on the clock on the wall, the time was when postman would arrive.
The slam of the letterbox secured my theory.
"Zane!" My mum yelled frantically from downstairs.
"Zane come quick!"
I ran out into the landing and peered move the glass balcony, psychically I knew what she was calling about and I began to panic.
"Crikey mum, what is it?" I questioned her.
"It's come!" She announced with a wide smile across her face.
My face stiffened in horror. The reply. I trembled back, my was heart frenetically pounding in my chest and my palms were sweating.
"Oh god" I whispered covering my mouth.
"Are you ok sweetie. Do you want me to  bring it up to you?" Mum asked with worry in her eyes.
My brothers then softly exited different area of the house now realising the situation.
"Er no ma, I'll come down just...give me a sec" I slowly started to walk across the landing and down the stairs not keeping my eyes off the letter that was clasped in my mums hand.

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